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"Where is she?" Owen spun on heels looking straight past me in the corner. My legs finally obeying, I stepped from the wooden shack approaching the 4. The memory of the Indominus Rex falling into the clutches of the mighty sea creatures spun wildly in the back of my brain.

Owen relaxed, his eyes landing on me. "Guys..."

"Aubrey!" Grey pushed passed him sprinting towards me. Leaping, he launched himself on me. Engulfing into a bear hug, his hold so tight it became hard to breathe. Laughing slightly I brushed my hand over the top of his head. "Hey buddy.." He let go standing closely beside.

"Did I bring enough fun like I promised?" I said, a small  grin bared back at me.

"I think a little too much.." He replied exhausted yet still managing to let humour dance in words.

The group closed in, smiles of relief flooding over us all. "Can we go now? Forever?" I said.

"Please, forever..." Zach sighed loudly as he huddled his arms sideways over me, in the other, his little brother.


"Are you sure you're okay?"

Holding the pendant clasped around my neck, I waited nervously for Owen to reappear. My whole body aching in every place possible, Zach held his hand lightly to my forehead. "I'm fine."

I swatted his hand away, downing another bottle of water. Still bandaged in Zach's patch up, cuts and bruises here and there scattered my skin. Missing the first nurse as I was out the back of the medical hub throwing up the little in my gut, Owen instructed to pump fluids into me.

Soon enough with a fresh bandage and a sterile strip across my brow, the huge hall buzzed with noise. Sobs, moans, cries of happiness. Shrieks, chatter and cries of sorrow. Claire taking grey with her, I was left the chocolate eyed boy.

"So what's the story behind you?" He said suddenly fiddling with his grotty thumbs.

"My story?" I half laughed taking my mind off awaiting for Owen.

"Yeah, tell me what it's been like to be Aubrey Hudson..." A cheeky grin crept upon his beautiful face.



"Seriously? You're honestly the most kick ass goody-two-shoes I've ever met." A bubbly chuckle escaped Zacks pink lips. Our conversation died after what seemed a long hour of sharing our lives with one another. The only thing that seemed to bother me was that Owen was not back with news.

Yet voices still filled the un-awkward silence between us. Slipping into a deep unease, a warm hand found its way in mine. Holding mine tightly, I was unable to control the surge of overwhelming giddiness that crossed over me as I finally met the calm brown eyes Zach. I couldn't explain what had come over me, but one thing's for sure I'd soon learn to love that feeling.

And in that moment of haste of my defences falling down, Zach's warm chocolate eyes melted the cold fear that pulsed through my veins.

His lips softly brushed mine.

~~Im sorry I haven't updated in forever, I've been so busy with school and I just haven't had the time so I'm sorry this is so short and boring. Kind of just a fill in chapter. I only have a few chapters planned left so, I guess is almost the end... Hope that it hasn't been too bad for you guys to read!~~ 

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