The Battle Begins: Rexy to the Rescue

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"They must have all left at once...." Claire said. Owen as the leader of the group, has the rest of us follow closely behind as we slowly manoeuvred through the frightening quietness of the labs. The creepy feeling of the reptiles behind the glass watching us set an uncomfortable fear. It felt like they're anticipating death around the corner.

I should learn never to think too soon.

Hoskins enters the room, his distasteful arrogance radiating from each word the rolled from his tongue. A hateful scow appearing on each of our faces, anger bubbled in my veins.

Clenching a tight hand into a fist, a rough hand clasped my around my elbow. Owen pushing me back, Hoskins' acid mouth sparked a deadly dose of karma.

One of Owen's Velociraptors appears, it's deadly stare focussed on only one. Steadily shuffling back from the room making no sudden movements, we hoped for the unwanted attention leaving Hoskins attempting to play Owens tricks.

"Whoa there blue....." A shaky hand extended, the wild raptor didn't take a bar of his crap snapping his hand of clean. A throat tearing wail filled the heavy air. The memory of blood splattering on every surface of the vicinity of Hoskins imprinted into my brain, we scattered out as the smaller beast went back to finished what it had started.


Bolting from the labs, everyone halted catching a much needed breath of fresh air.

Wheezing my lungs struggled to keep up with the demand of oxygen needed to maintain my mentally and physically drained body. Aching in so many places I didn't even know existed, I felt myself slowly begin to feel the strain of the day.

"Owen look." Grey pointed. At the end of his sight, placing itself between us and our way off the island the raptor stood blood dripping from the razor rows of teeth.

"Back up..." Owen extends an outstretched hand not breaking his eye contact from the dinosaur.

Doing as we were told ending in round clump, we soon became surrounded as another 2 of Owens wild pets blocked our escape. Heart belting against my chest, he did the unthinkable. Feeling the breath hitch only the sound of my blood gushed through my ears. Owen strapping the black band from its head, the raptors defences dropped. As did ours.

Yet a mighty roar erupted rattling my bones within me.

Before we knew it the velociraptors attacked the killer monster. And even sooner we were huddled in a small shack regrettably watching a losing fight.

"25." Grey said suddenly in thought.

"What?" A shriek of confusion escaped my lips.

"Velociraptors have 25 teeth." He said. "We need more. More teeth."

Looking at Zach briefly, his Aunty soon caught my attention. Flare ready in the hand she begun to sprint in those heels of hers. Back to the brown headed boy whose eyes suddenly widened in fright, "Bree nooo..."

"Look after your brother." I said in a haste, dodging Zach's attempts of  latching on to pull me back. Clearing the bench I glanced back at the pair of them, flashing a small smile to hide the absolute pure fear pumping through my blood I took off after Claire who begun to disappear into the distance.

"Aubrey what the hell are you doing? Go back!" Claire frantically yelled back to me not faltering her pace whilst doing so.

"I'm coming with you, you can't do this by yourself!" Finally catching up, she took a side glance at me. A deep frown merging, she sighed deeply.

"If you die, the boys are going to kill me."

Reaching the Tyrannosaurus-Rex cage, Claire and I shared an exhausted sigh of dread. Sweat plastering hair to our faces, our ragged breaths blew puffs of white clouds billowing into the atmosphere. Legs barely keeping me upright, every limb begun to uncontrollably shake as I stepped closer to the button.

"You ready for this?" She said.

Swallowing the lump building in the back of my throat, I built every ounce of courage left inside of me. "Bring it on..."

Bringing my hand down, Claire lit the flare. Looming metres within, the original King of the world.

With an ear piercing squeal of metal, the gate rolled open revealing the beast. The T-Rex trained its eye to the fiery blaze of Claire's right hand. Hovering right beside her now, we begun backing up cautiously. "Come on big guy...." I whispered.

Watching, its killer glaze shifted and within a split second of that change we were off. My feet crashing against the ground so fast my legs felt weightless. It felt like I was flying. Claire navigating us back through the twist and turns of the endless maze, we finally appeared into the clearing where the loosing fight still continued.

Rexy hot on our heels there only a matter of seconds before we were crushed death in its huge jaws, mashed to a bloody mess by the razor rows of bone crushing teeth. "Throw it!"

She did. It followed. Loosing Claire in the battle that begun to take place, I ducked behind a small shack out of sight. Huddled behind the corner, the clash of the greats went down.

~~ Hi! There's only a few chapters left after this and these last few go beyond the Jurassic World plot line so yeah I'm kinda a bit nervous about that. Hope to those who read this enjoy:) ~~

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