Conflict 1- New home

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Play Nirvana from the opening of Inu x Boku ss

(Y/n)'s POV

I quicken my pace to reach the two figures who were waving off the moving truck; from the looks of it, my things were already inside. (P/n) was making click sounds, I knew he was getting nervous with the new crowd, but he can handle it.

The two figures, a man in his early thirties and a young boy, they both saw me approaching them. The first to see me was the man; he smiled my way, "Hello, you must be (Y/n)." His light brown hair was curled in a fun fashion. As he wore a white coat you would see typical doctors wore, he had on a pink dress shirt under his coat, and as well his light blue jeans with his brown lace-shoes. His smile reached his warm brown eyes, I already liked him.

I returned the smile, "That's me, and you must be?"

Before he could say more, the little boy bounce off his toes and hugged me with a strong vice around my waist.

"Big sister! We finally meet.~"  As he smiled up at my way, his salmon hair was tousled, as his brown eyes held the innocence of excitement of just meeting me. He wore a yellow, pink, and blue sweater, along with yellow bloomer-like pants. With pink stripe stockings, and black slick shoes.

Before I could return my own excitement of meeting them, (P/n) started to make alarm noises, it scared the boy out of his wits. I then glared at the scarlet macaw, "(P/n)!" I lightly tapped his head, as he made the clicking noise of a car alarm shutting off. My new little brother awed at the interaction between me and (P/n) "Amazing, big sister's bird makes car noises."

"You keep saying that kid-" I just harshen my glared at the bird, "I mean-squawk, pretty birdie!" Played (P/n), I just laughed at his little act of playing dumb, his eyes wide open for the act. "He talks too, to much I'll say." As I ruffled his pinkish hair, he then giggled at the action. I then looked at the man, "I still don't know my brother's names." While teasingly raising an eyebrow towards the man.

The man chuckled at this, "I'm Masaomi the eldest." He then patted the young ones head, "And this one is Wataru the youngest."

"Hi, big sister." Exclaimed Wataru, as he hugged me again, I'm one not to mind about this, since he's my young brother. But if it were a grown man, I question your mind unless you're relatives and friends. 

"Your belongings are set in your room." Said Masaomi, I nodded his way.

As Wataru then tugged on my hand to lead me to the elevator, (P/n) flapped around for a moment before landing on the iron railing. "Not bad, not bad at all." As (P/n) Tch'ed at my new home, I again, glared at the bird.

"Your pet knows how to speak its own mind." Said the surprised Masaomi, eyes not leaving the exotic bird.

"Yeah he does, only because he's watched movies and TV shows, don't mind him." As I petted under his beak, making him purr like an actual cat. Wataru seemed to enjoy his mimicking of noises.

We made it what seemed to be the third floor, "Down the hall and the last door is your new room. Do you need help unpacking?" Asked Masaomi, as he looked down to me.

"Nah, I got this. I'll be down to meet the rest." I lied, I didn't want them to see all my equipment, dad said that his new wife allowed me to use an extra room to be my mini gym. He didn't seem to see my little lie, and nodded as he and the whining Wataru walked away. Not before I promised him of seeing his bunny in his room.

As I reached the last door and entered the room, the walls were yellow, by tomorrow I'll customize the room to my liking. All the packages of my personal belongs were on one wall, while the packages that held 'DO NOT OPEN! YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZE TO OPEN THIS WITHOUT PERMISSION!' which was only four boxes total, the rest was clothing, shoes, accessories, and consoles with the disks.  

One of the Guys! A Brothers Conflict x Tomboy!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now