{OVA}*~(Y/N)'S BIRTHDAY~*{1/?}

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AN- Hey minna~! This is going to be a big crossover since the reader is friends with a lot of people, and I mean, a LOT! Also, I'll do side chapter/OVA's of how the reader befriended these people from these animes. The ones for the oc's, they're are optional, if you guys want me too.

Here are the names of the animes:


-Kuroko no basket


-Diabolik Lovers(Specifically friends with Yui)

-Fruits Basket(Specifically Tohru and her best friends)

-Ouran Host School High Club(Specifically friends Haruhi) (AN2- Haruhi will explain everything~! ^3^)

-Osomatsu-san(Specifically friends with Karamatsu)

-A Silent Voice(Specifically Shoko and her family)

-Your lie in April

Yuri! on Ice(Specifically Yuri and his family)

And also ocs' of mines.


Third Person's POV

It was (Month and day), the Asahina household was calm and quiet. Many of the people living there were occupied by their own things. Minus the only female in the household, she was out for the day, saying she had work to do. Few were in the family kitchen, that being the three eldest brother's. Making light chat with one another, today seem like the most peaceful and relaxing day, that was until the sound of phone ringing ruined the peace.




Masaomi being the closes to the phone, went and answered "Hello?"

"Hello, is this the Asahina Household?" The person was female and sounded familiar, "It's Miki, from the wedding, remember."

'Ah, one of (Y/n)'s friends.' Smiling at the name of his sister, the brunette replied to the young woman. "Yes, this Masaomi Asahina, do you need (Y/n)?"

"...." Silence only met his ear, confusing the man if the landline suddenly cut off.



He had to pull the phone back at the angry voice, surprised that the female was angry towards him, "It is (Date)...Why?"

He could only hear angry mumbles of frustration, "Look, you're a doctor, right."

"Bluntly, yes."

"When's her birthday."

"It's...." The Sudden realization hit the man like a speeding car, making him feel sweat nervously "Today." Being the one to remember everyone's birthdates and anything important incase of emergencies or other reasons...like these. 

"How is it you forget your sister's birthday! I know she's been with you guys for awhile, but come one!" Masaomi flinched at the harsh bluntness at the teens voice, "Sorry, sorry, I've been busy with work and my younger brother's..."

"That's no excuse!" The tone the girl was giving him became sharper, "(Y/n) just met you guys for awhile and she thought of your brother's birthday, helped your brother's out, had club hours, work hours, and still come back home! And you're telling me this!"

One of the Guys! A Brothers Conflict x Tomboy!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now