Conflict 3- Normal-ish day

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Third Person POV

The next day, (Y/n) and (P/n) went to the movie store to rent a horror-flick, she and her macaw wanted to have their traditional who can last long watching the movie while giving the other jump scares. The challenges were tense, she even forced Yusuke to join in them, that's how he was so scared with the Conjuring so much, the jump scares including (Y/n) joining in them.

"How about the original Paranormal Activity?"

"Nah. To suspenseful."

"Okay, how about the Exorcist?"

"Nah. We'll have to see a therapist after that."


"Shut it, you brat!"

"We'll take these two and one more...Let's see, hmm, which one?" While she looked through the horror movies, she glanced at the person next to her. 'It's not even sunny in here.' As the boy next to her wore sun glasses with their hood up, 'Is he from the ghetto?' When she turned to face the person, she held a loud snicker, but failed to let out a loud obnoxious snort.

Making the person next to her jump at the sound, when the person looked at her. They began to glare at her, "You!" Hissed her younger brother, Fuuto.

"Oh! (P/n), we got Ice Cub on the run!" Teased the teen, as she smirked at the younger male. "What are you doing here, young lost little lamb."

Fuuto only glared at the young woman harshly, "For your information-"

"Gasp! He knows what information means."

"Shut it! And I'm not lost! I'm just renting these." (Y/n) looked down at the stacks in his arms, as she whistled at the large sum of movies. "That's some movie night you got there, Fuuto."

"Shh!" Hushed the male, as he tried to cover her mouth from the on looking group next to them.


"Is it Asaruka Fuuto?!"

Now (Y/n) knew why, "No you bimbos! It's my cousin Yato! Quit eavesdropping on peoples conversations!" The girls flinched at her words, and mumble an apology while walking away. (Y/n) smiled up at the stunned male, "Hey, what are siblings for? Hurry up and rent those, I want to rent mines as well. And I deserve my little brother's full amount attention on the movie we'll be watching." As she gave him a closed eye smile, Fuuto smirked at her sister's words.

But he didn't see the evil glint in her eyes, nor (P/n)'s eyes.

'He's in for a ride.'

When they both arrived home, (Y/n) and Fuuto were watching one of his black and white movies, though Fuuto didn't want (P/n) in the room. (P/n) gave a very questionable, and why is was very suspicious. They were watching a female actor sleeping. (Y/n) wanted to sleep to at the part, she wanted to watch some excitement.

"Amazing." Was Fuuto sudden words, making (Y/n) jump up, "Did someone murder someone? What? What?" Looking around, looking disoriented and tired.

Fuuto sighed at her words, "No. This is not some detective movie you hoped for. But did you see the effort she made."

"When she slept? Yeah." As she scratched her hair, still watching the movie.

Fuuto glanced at the girl next to him, scowling at her words, "Not just sleeping. Do you know the effort to make it seem realistic. Such talent!" (Y/n) sighed at his words, "Calm down Kim Kardashian." Fuuto gave a 'No, you did not call me that name!'

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