Chapter 2 (NE)

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We soon left the apartment, their leashes wrapped around my hands as I breathed in the autumn air. Truth be told, I love fall better than any other season. It's warm but chilly, and I can wear my favorite sweatshirts. Spring is okay, but fall all the way.

As I walked down the block, Snow stood by my side, while Storm walked farther ahead, sniffing everywhere. Storm always did this, pulling on his leash to be ahead of others and making me stumble a few times. I honestly believe he's trying to walk me instead.

As for Snow, she stood by my side, occasionally trying to get me to scratch her behind the ears. I love how she tries to gain my attention. She'd either lick my hand or bark softly. It was cute. Snow stopped at one point to do her business, and all I could do was look elsewhere. Looking around, I noticed some stores starting to open up, teens and kids piling into a nearby city bus and business men getting into their cars and so on. The street was busy basically.

After she finished, I reached into my pocket and pulled out some small plastic bags. Luckily I didn't forget these. While I was cleaning after Snow, Storm barked happily and pulled on his leash. I smiled wide at what he saw.

Some distance away, I saw my best friend waving from across the street, holding a dunkin donuts bag. Her name is Aimi Ashikawa. She's a Japanese, 17 year old girl with slight curves and long silky, black hair. She even had some pretty emerald eyes.

When I first met her, it was during recess in this huge concrete yard provided by our middle school. I was literally minding my own business, when I saw her running from these girls in the far corner of the yard. She was crying, so I knew she wasn't playing tag or something. I followed them to the other side and noticed they were trying to grab a ring from her. I ran to interfere, but I was taken aback when I saw her jump-kick some girl in the face. She then started beating up everyone else that was there to harass her. In the midst of that, the ring coincidentally flew my way, in which I caught in mid-air. I stared as all the girls ran off crying, holding bloody noses and mouths and yelling curses at her.

I turned back to her and saw she too was bleeding, from a small cut on her face. I pulled out a tissue I had in my pocket and cautiously, I walked towards her, in which she turned in a very menacingly way. The way she glared back at me, made me shudder and not move a muscle. I am not a fighter, so if someone with experience comes at me, I'd probably fake a faint to avoid any damage. Seeing that I was holding out a tissue to her, She smiled a genuine smile, and walked towards me. She took the tissue and wiped her face, as I held out the ring to her.

That ring must have been real special to her, because she gasped happily, taking it and putting it back on. "Arigato! How can I ever repay you?!" She grinned. 

She wasn't fluent with English at the time, so I almost giggled. "How about teaching me some moves! That was really cool!" She stared back at me, then laughed at my face. I smiled back, wondering what I said was funny. Since then, we've been inseparable.

Aimi ran across the street and bounded towards me, not before yelling profanities at some driver that almost hit her. She has quite the tough character if you ask me. Storm was pulling on his leash real hard, which was irritating me since I was still in the process of cleaning some shit!

"Storm, calm down boy! She's com-Oh never mind!" I reluctantly let go of the leash, watching him bound straight to her. She grabbed his leash, and began scratching his ears and pelt. Storm has always loved Aimi from the moment he met her, also vice versa. Snow was still sitting beside me, but when Aimi came close, she stood up and greeted her. Snow's a calm dog, so she isn't all jumpy when meeting people. Storm will just hop on the person if they're cool people. If not, he'd growl at them. When Aimi came close enough, I was already done cleaning and throwing out the bag of poop in a nearby trash.

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