Chapter 44 (NOT EDITED)

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We made love again, this time in lycan form. It was a total different experience, but it was still beautiful in its own way. Samson and I rubbed heads before howling happily to the sky. I jumped to my paws when I heard other howls as well. One by one, other wolves appeared from behind the trees and surrounded us. I stood closet to my mate as we stood up on our hind legs. I recognized Ephraim immediately when he appeared behind a tree, along with Solomon. The wolf beside him must have been Ruth as she wagged her tail at us.

I glanced at the triplets as they sat over their father I presume and they waved. Donovan muttered how it smelled heavily of sweat. They laughed and their mother, a bright blonde wolf who stood beside her mate, barked at her sons. Luke had his tongue out as he wagged at the scene before him. Samson held me close as we stared at his family. I wagged my tail at Ephraim who nodded his head. "Welcome to the pack, Valeria." His silver moons shone for a moment.

My ears perked. "I can hear you now?!"

"You're the future Luna. You have to hear us..." A familiar wolf walked around the clearing, a certain gleam in his eye. I wagged my tail at Felix who stood beside his sister. "It seems you past the test Valeria. Good job."

"Thank you Felix." I cuddled close to Samson and he winked in return.

Solomon walked towards us on his hind legs. The alpha stood tall and looked down at us with a soft look. He then glanced around us to the pack members present. "To the future Alpha and Luna!" Everyone threw their heads back and howled.

Time skip~

"How am I gonna tell mom..." I thought out loud out of excitement and nervousness. I was now married to my mate and the mark on my neck proved it as well. Although it was quickly fading due to my super healing abilities. Samson didn't like that, but he knew if my mom saw that, she'll through a fit. "I'm nervous. Just like that time when I introduced you to mommy..."

Samson held my hand as he drove me home. He was silent as he listened to me voice out my concerns. "I'll be honest. She does look like she won't be happy about you being married so soon. In fact, you will be trouble. I could care less of what she thinks of me. I will whisk you away and take you back to my hometown if she won't accept our marriage. But I'm more worried on how you will take this." He squeezed my hand.

I smiled. "Thank you. And you sounded cool there for a moment. You'd really just take me away if mommy won't accept this?" I glanced at the beautiful ring. It glittered beautifully as I stared at it.

"I would and will. I'll show you if it comes to that." He gave my hand a kiss and caressed my knuckles.

I giggled. "You'd probably give mom a heart attack. What if she calls the cops?"

"My dear mate and wife, I'll have you know I have many associates and connections in the city." Samson chuckled. "Thanks to Ephraim of course..."

"Yeah." I smiled. "By the way, were you trying to kill him earlier? He only wanted to see the mark..." Samson had tackled Ephraim when he touched the mark on my neck.

"I may have felt like it..." He said in a low voice.

I giggled. "And the triplets?"

"Their jokes were going way too far..." He grumbled.

"They're only kids! Ok, maybe Dominic went a little far with that fucking motion with his fingers..." I covered my mouth to avoid laughing. Samson muttered how he held back when he tossed him into the lake. The area erupted in excited whimpers when that happen. Everyone was laughing. "And what about Solomon? He was only shaking my hand!"

"He was standing too close." Samson growled. I grinned at his response. Though I have to admit, Solomon did stand pretty close and sniff my fur. I couldn't blame him though. He was still under that curse, so he couldn't help it. He did back off quickly so he was still keeping things under control.

"What about Felix? He was literally trying to walk past me!" I laughed at the memory when Samson threw him into the lake as well.

"Too close."

"You can't use that as an excuse forever." I giggled. Though I blushed when I remembered another memory. All the females in the area surrounded me and sniffed at me. I was so surprised, I kept yelping and turning around to see where they were poking at. It was awkward. "By the way, what were the females doing to me? Your mom and aunt were, too close for my comfort...."

Samson chuckled. "They were giving you their blessings into becoming the future luna. And also bearing my pups."

"Oooooh boy..." I buried further into my seat. Having kids so soon made my stomach do a backflip. I blushed at how many times we'd have to make love in order for kids to grow in me. My face was steaming and Samson grinned as he faced the road.

We soon arrived at the apartment and I stared at the building. "I don't want to go up there."

"We can always run away." He grinned playfully. I smiled though I knew he didn't mean it. He kissed my hand. "I'll be with you, and I'll make sure she won't harm you."

"I hope it won't come to that. Mommy is capable of it, but she wouldn't do that." I let out a shaky breath. "I still feel nervous."

"Hmmm, I have an idea." Samson smiled and pulled out my phone, which I don't recall giving to him. Though he made me smile again. He was smiling more often and was more playful than usual. I was now filled with anticipation as he went through my phone.

I blinked when he sent a picture of his penis to someone. "Wait, who did you send that to?" I asked, a little worried about who he sent it to. He smiled and motioned me to wait.

A call came and Samson picked up the phone, putting it on speaker. "Really?" It was Ephraim. We both laughed at his response. "What is the point of this? I already know how it looks like-Wait that came out wrong!"

I laughed all the more and wiped my face. Samson grinned at the phone. "I did this to help Valeira. She's nervous about telling her mom about our marriage."

"Oh... oh! Ok I see what's going here! Here, stay on the line! I got an idea. I know the perfect person for a situation like this." Ephraim said before putting us on hold. Samson explained to me that at times like this, they always depended on this person to lighten the mood and help completely erase nervousness. I raised a brow, wondering who this person was when Ephraim came back on the line. "Ok! He should be picking up now..."

I giggled and waited for someone to pick the phone. It was Felix. "Ok Ephraim, I'd never expect you to send me a dick pic and it's obviously not yours. Nor is it mines. Whose dick is this?!" I laughed to the point that my laugh grew silent. I couldn't breathe. "Is that the Luna? I'm assuming this is Samson's dick then. Bro, you're canon is fucking loaded. The fuck is this monster? Valeria, God bless you. How did you ride this thing?"

I thought the triplets were perverted, but Felix nailed it. I couldn't stop the tears as I held my stomach. I seriously needed a moment to breathe. "Ok that's it! Please!"

Samson grumbled, muttering how his dick is average for a lycan of his caliber. I stared at him, highly doubting that. Ephraim cleared his throat. "I hope everything goes well for you Valeria. Talk to you later, DDD are blowing up condoms again..."

"Again?" Samson and Felix sighed. I giggled. I expected that from those three. Though I wondered where they got them. Ephraim soon hung up after a pop was heard and Felix cleared his throat next. "Alright, I'm heading out. Don't worry Samson, I won't send this picture to anyone else, except my sister."

"Don't." We both muttered. I smiled when Samson gave me a proud look. Of course I wouldn't want another female looking at my mate's and husband's penis. When he hung up the phone, I looked towards the building with a smile. Samson stared at me and held my hand. "Ready?"

"Yeah, I'm ready." I nodded determinedly and left the car.

Valeria's Lycan mateWhere stories live. Discover now