Chapter 19 (NOT EDITED)

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I smiled to myself when I woke up the next morning. The dream, if it was a dream, was pretty interesting. I was rather excited to tell Ephraim and Ruth the news when I get to school. Although, I would have to wait to tell my family or Aimi of what I learned last night. But learning who I really am made me wonder about all the possibilities in my future. With that in mind, I got out of bed and got ready for the day. After pulling on the last of my clothes, the smell of breakfast filled my room making my stomach growl. I left my room to bump into my fluffies. They whimpered and walked beside me to the kitchen. "You guys were fed yet or what?"

Mom noticed me when she placed the girls' food in front of them. "I've fed them, they just want a walk."

I smiled and petted their ears. "Alright, let me finish breakfast then I'll walk you." They seem satisfied since they left to finish their bowls. I sat at the table and quickly started eating after thanking mom.

Ophir came into the kitchen. "Mommy, I'm staying after school today."

I raised a brow, since this was a first. Mom nodded, letting him know to come before dark. "You in a club or something?"

"No, just need homework help... I did bad on my last quiz." He whispered to me so mom wouldn't hear. I chuckled and went back to eating.

"Vale, is Samson coming to eat again?" Nora asked, her face covered in syrup. Mom made a noise where she sat which made Layla giggled. 

I smiled. "If mommy will allow me to bring him over..." I glanced at mom.

She wiped her mouth. "I'm working late tonight so if I can trust you to not be up to something with him, then maybe..."

I sighed. I didn't like her coming late from the hospital. Partly because I had to cook and clean everything myself since Ophir isn't much help. The last time he helped he broke 3 plates and made a large mess of water in the kitchen. I mean, I still don't  understand how the sink flooded.

"We'll watch her!" The girls raised their hands. Mom smiled and looked at Ophir who volunteered himself as well.

I pouted playfully, not liking how I wasn't trusted with a man by myself. I smiled to myself. 'Well, I understand...'

Time skip~

"I gotta tell you something!" I tackled Ephraim into the mens bathroom. Thankfully the halls and bathroom were empty.

"What? In here?" He blinked and looked around. "I mean, I'm sure mom can spare us a-"

"We're already in here so shush!" I waved him off. He chuckled. "So I had a dream last night and, well it was educational." I grinned. He nodded for me to continue, a knowing smile on his face. I leaned into his ear which made him blush a little. "I'm one of you!"

He blinked. "You are, aren't you?"

"Ye-what?" I raised a brow. "That sounded like you already knew..."

"Our kind isn't attracted to regular humans unless they were one of us. Well, depends if mother luna did pull some strings to make that possible, so there was a possibility you were just one of those rare situations." He shrugged.

I frowned. "You knew, and you didn't tell me?"

He smiled sadly. "I'm sorry-wait you're leaving?" He blinked when I turned my back on him.

I stopped at the door, a deep frown on my face. He frowned along with me which made me laugh and leave. I spotted Ruth walking by with a breif case as she dressed professionally for school. She smiled at me. "Morning sweetie-what were you both doing in there?" She blinked when she saw where I came out from with Ephraim.

"Hey mom, nothing really." He hugged his mom. "Valeria learned she's one of us-"

Ruth yelped and threw her breifcase at him. Ephraim caught it just in time before it could harm his face and pouted at her. She hugged me. "I knew you were! I'm so happy! I kind of doubted it in the beginning, but I'm so happy we'll be a family one day!"

I giggled and hugged her back. "I'm glad someone is more enthusiastic about the news..." I glared playfully at Ephraim who frowned more. "But, I'd like to know more about being one of you guys. If there could be a day to uh, you know..." I smiled sheepishly at Ruth when we separated.

"Of course! You just let us know when you're free and we'll definitely make the time for you!" She smiled brightly before looking behind me. Ephraim's face returned neutral. "Ophelia! Come here!"

I turned to Ophelia who was walking towards us. She raised an uninterested brow. "What is it?"

"Valeria is one of us!" She clapped joyfully and hugged her daughter's shoulders. "Isn't it good news?!"

Ophelia blinked and looked at me. I smiled sheepishly. "No shit, you are? That changes a few things..." She muttered under her breath and rubbed her chin. Ephraim slightly narrowed his eyes in suspicion when she nodded to herself and looked my way. "Welcome to the Lycan world then Valeria. Hope to get along with you in the future." She smiled warmly. I blinked at her. I didn't think she could make  that kind of expression. I smiled back and thanked her.

Her mother giggled happily and took her brief case back. "Now then, all of you get ready for class." She gave us a look, making sure we got the message before heading down the hall.

I smiled at Ephraim. "Im going to the ladies room, I'll see you in a bit." I waved to the man and left him alone with his sister.


"What did you mean by that?" Ephraim stopped his sister from leaving after Valeria had left the corridor.

"What?" Ophelia blinked.

"You said, 'that changes a few things.' What did you mean?" He raised a brow.

Ophelia shook her head. "Nothing really." He didn't seem convinced. "But I can say, I no longer have anything against her..." She shrugged.

He hummed before starting to leave. Ophelia grabbed his arm, her face downcast. "What is it?" Ephraim blinked her.

"Efy, I... I've been thinking and..." She began, her voice trembling. He frowned and hugged her, rubbing her back before she continued. She hugged him back. "I know I'm a total bitch, and I can be cruel in many ways... and, I'm truly sorry for taking away your mate. I pray every day for mother Luna to give you a second chance. So please, forgive me..."

He sighed. "Its a bit too late for apologies but, I've forgiven you a long time ago so don't worry about it."

"I know, I just wanted to let you know, again." She moved to look into his face. He stared at her, a mix of worry and sadness. "But no matter what happens, I love you and mom. Very much. Can you trust me on that?"

He slowly nodded, hugging her close when she hugged him back tightly. "Alright."

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