Flashback #4 (NE)

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Ophelia's POV

'Idiots, making so much noise I can't sleep!' I growled in annoyance and crawled out of bed. I stomped towards their play room, planning to barge in there and give them a piece of my mind, when I heard some growls. Cautiously, I tip-toed towards the door, then peaked inside. There, standing in the middle of the room, was Son. He was growling and scratching at his head. Again. 'Honestly, he's become more destructive by the month!' I also saw Efy huddled in the corner, like the coward that he was, watching Son failing miserably at gaining control.

I rolled my eyes at the scene. 'This is what happens when you wake me up, mutts!' I smirked evilly, then ran towards the kitchen. Knowing how much Son hates going into the moon cave, and how Efy doesn't like him being punished, I decided to teach them a lesson for waking me up from my beauty sleep.

I heard mom humming a sweet tune while she worked in the kitchen. She usually hums when she's making Son's and Efy's favorite cake. I saw father inside as well. He was sitting at the table, sipping tea and reading a complicated book. They were rather peaceful in the kitchen, absolutely oblivious to the situation happening in the play room.

I rolled my eyes then quickly pinched my cheeks with my nails, hard. It was the only way to make me cry. Feeling myself tear up, I ran into the kitchen. "Mommy!"

Mom gasped and stopped everything she was doing to crouch down and hug me. "What's wrong Oli?"

Father glared at the attention she was giving me, then snorted. "Probably wants you to massage her to sleep again. Annoying little b****." He muttered, going back to his book.

Mom and I glared at him. She turned back to me. "What's wrong Oli?"

"Mommy! Son is acting scary again! I woke up hearing him growling and went to see if he was OK, but He's not! He's scaring Efy too mommy! You have to help him!" I cried innocently.

The mention of Son's name made father listen to my story. Mother massaged my back, telling me everything was going to be OK. She glanced at father. "Honey, what are you-?"

"I'm going to put that mutt in the cave, that's what I'm going to do!" He made a move to leave the kitchen, but mom stood to stop him.

"Honey, the cave has done nothing to help-!"

"It's better then just waiting for him to die!"

"But he's become more aggressive because of it!"

"Leaving him alone has made him more violent! If the cave can set him straight, it'll be our every solution-!"

"But honey, this kind of thing you can never rush between them. The bond has to come from within, not from forced magic-!"


I almost yawned at their argument. 'Can we skip to see Son's and Efy's misery, please?' I mentally rolled my eyes before pulling on mom's skirt, grabbing her attention. "Mommy? What's gonna happen to Son? Is he gonna die?"

"No baby," She began to say, crouching back down to my level. "Your brother is gonna be OK."

Father stared with a disgusted look. "For now..." He mumbled, stomping out the kitchen.

"Honey wait!" Mom called out, running after him. I was left in the kitchen alone, staring at the door frame where mom disappeared. I got thirsty from watching the drama, and decided to get something to drink. Going to the fridge, I saw some leftover lemonade in a plastic cup, with the name 'Efy' written on it. I drank everything in one gulp, then heard some yelling.

I ran into the hallway in time to see father dragging Son by the hair. I almost laughed at the scene, and watched Efy run after them, with mom calling out to him. Mom then fell to the floor sobbing.

I rolled my eyes again, and followed the trio. Running into the open field, father pulled Son up the hill with Efy stalking behind. Smirking, I followed and kept a good distance behind.


I yawned, watching Efy follow Son, after I'm pretty sure he tried convincing the dumby to stay and suffer in the cave. 'He can be a real idiot.'

I glanced at the guard, who still hasn't noticed Son's disappearance. I rolled my eyes again, then ran towards him. When I jumped out of the bushes, he took a defensive stance, before realizing who I was. "What are you-?"

"No time to explain! I saw Son escape from the cave! You have to warn father!" I warned in a panicky tone.

He narrowed his eyes but bought my act. "Very well, I shall notify the Alpha-"

"Don't mind link him! Father was experiencing a headache when I left, so just go and warn him! I'll go track Son's scent, since I know him better than anyone!"

His eyes widened a bit, before he nodded and ran back down the hill.'That should buy me some time!' I started following the path Efy took.


"Come out you stupid b****!"

'Ah crap.' I sighed, emerging from the bushes. I stood staring at an angry Son, and a vigilant Efy. "Yes Son?" I asked with a small smile on my lips.

Son snarled and stalked towards me. "Don't 'yes son?' me! I know you better than anyone!" he stood in front of me. I tried to keep myself from trembling, but it didn't work. Son had the same anger issues as father. So he can lash out at any moment. "So what are you doing here?!"

I gulped. "I...I just wanted t-to see what you-"

"You don't have to see anything!" he yelled, about to strike me down. I shut my eyes and braced myself, but the deadly slash never came. I looked up to see Efy holding Son's clawed hand.

"She is the least of your worries right now Son..." Efy sighed, before releasing him. Son growled, but he obeyed. 'that was close.'

"Oli, when you followed us, did you see the guard at the cave? Was he still there?" Efy asked. Son glared daggers at me, making me shiver.

"I... I don't know. I only followed you! I wouldn't have alerted the guard if I knew you'd kill me!" I growled in defense.

Son growled. "That's a load of b-!"

"Shh!" Efy shushed him, listening to the wind. I did the same, and listened carefully. After a few moments, we heard howls, and Son growled.

'Crap! That idiot also called for back up!' I mentally groaned and shifted my gaze to Son. He was glaring at me with pure hatred. Efy sighed, patting Son on the shoulder. "Leave now, I'll deal with her."

Son spat in my face, then took off towards the abandon city. I wiped my face. Efy was staring down at me, like he was about to sentence me to death.

"Why?" He muttered sadly, when father burst out from the trees, along with 3 other warriors.

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