Chapter 30 (NOT EDITED)

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I was shaken awake from my sweet dreams about Samson and rubbed my eyes. When I glanced at the clock beside me, it read 2 am. "What-?" I yawned and did a double take when I saw Abuela dressed up with a cloak around her shoulders. 'Oh boy...'

She smiled down at me. "Wake up Valeria."

"For what? Are we going for a walk?" I blinked with my pulse racing. She's probably going to meet Samson and Ephraim in the forest, with me going with her. I don't know, I feel excited to see Samson again. But under the circumstances of her confirming her suspicions, I was worried about how things will go.

"Dogs love going for a walk. Get dress and meet me in the backyard." She smiled but it didn't reach her ears. I was insulted and felt a shiver go down my spine when she left the room. I think she called me a dog. I guess she's still mad at me for skipping out of our conversation 3 times before I escaped to the guest bedroom to sleep. I crawled out of bed and searched for some sweats and pulled on some converse before hurrying after her. I didn't want to keep her waiting as I sneaked down the stairs past my brother's room.

I spotted her waiting for me by some swings Papi bought for us when we were little and cautiously walked up to her. "What's going on?"

"I'll be meeting some of your dog friends tonight. I thought you might want to come along." She turned her back and walked into the woods behind the house.

I sighed and followed after her. "Ok, I get you're mad at me. But please, stop calling them dogs. They're more than that."

"I noticed. So it's true, you're one of them." I decided to come clean because really, what else doesn't she know? Ok, there are a few things she doesn't know but not as important! I told her about everything that I could bring to mind about myself as we walked silently through the woods. The night was silent, quite peaceful actually with the occasional owl and cricket sounds. The wind felt nice too. As I explained to her everything, she hummed and nodded while looking straight ahead. "Thank you for telling me Vale." I sighed in relief, glad tension was removed from us. "But I already knew."

"What?!" I exclaimed and she rolled her eyes. "How did you know?!" This wasn't fair, everyone knew before me!

"I've been alive for a while Vale..." When she said that, I couldn't help giggling at what Ephraim said before. She eyed me before continuing. "And because I knew your father was different in a way." I perked up at the mention of father but she didn't say any more. I frowmed at that. "Now, can you sense your friends? I don't want to go looking for them..."

"Wait, Abuela. Could we talk first?" I gently took her arm. She raised a brow but motioned me to continue. "A girl name Ophelia, did she come around here for your assistance?"

She made a face as she searched her thoughts. "I think that was her name. Yes she did."

"What did she ask for?" I asked.

Abuela chuckled which sort of sent a shiver through me,  again. "She was a conflicting child. I couldn't tell what she wanted. Revenge, protection... it was like speaking with two different people. At one point she'd asked for wolfsbane, then the next she'd change her mind and ask for something else. She looked like a neglected child debating to herself whether or not to kill her parents."

'She probably is.' I thought before sighing. I was confused for some reason about the wolfsbane part, though it sounded familiar. What was that for again? But it does confirm a few things. Ophelia was and is neglected by her father, that much is true. "I see. But what did she ask for and what did she offer?"

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