Chapter 39 (NOT EDITED)

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After a few days Samson and I grabbed the weird pot from Ephraim and made our way to Abuela's house. Ephraim couldn't come with us due to his duties as a beta from what he told us. Samson seem to know what he meant since he didn't question it any further. I was confused, but I decided to leave it at that. The pot was placed in the trunk, as always tightly sealed. There was no way we were gonna have it right behind us. I thought I could rely on Abuela to figure out what was inside. Since its in her area of expertise, we thought she might know how to handle this. Samson parked the car in the parking lot and we spotted Abuela by the door. I called her earlier and let her know that we weren't that far away. Luckily Papi was at work so we wouldn't have to hide the large pot.

She smiled when I came out the car. "Hello my dear. It's good to see you again."

"Hello Abuela." I went and hugged her. Samson stood behind as we greeted each other and pulled out the pot from the trunk. "Abuela, I need your help." I turned to Samson as he came over. Abuela narrowed her eyes at the pot. "Could you help us?"

She wrinkled her nose. "Let's go inside." We followed her to the living room and shook our heads when she offered us tea. Samson placed the pot on a thick towel Abuela provided over the coffee table. We sat at the couch and waited for her to say something as she inspected the pot. "Where did you get this?" She finally asked.

"Its a long story." I sighed. "But we were wondering if you could tell us what's inside."

"You don't know what's inside?" She raised a brow.

"We didn't dare touch what's inside." Samson glared at the pot. I nodded in agreement.  There was no way we could touch whatever's in it. We didn't know what it could do. Especially since it was randomly boiling water that won't evaporated.

She sighed and swatted away the steam that was coming from it. "Go to the next room. I'll let you know what's inside when I'm done. I can't have you watching what I'm going to do." I was going to say otherwise when Samson stopped me.

"Gladly." Samson took my hand and pulled me before I could say anything. I frowned as we walked into a hallway and waited by a window. I actually wanted to see what she was going to do. I was rather curious on how she was going to grab it through all that boiling water.

"Hey, I wanted to see..." I pouted and without noticing, ears peaked out from my hair and both turned as white as my wolf's fur. Samson did a double take when he saw this happened. I haven't checked to see why he stared at my head with wide eyes since I started poking at his stomach. I tried annoying him while my ears drooped. "I could have convinced her to let us watch if you hadn't said anything."

"N-no, I agree with her. Whatever it is, I didn't want to take any chances if it was going to spring out and attack you. Besides, this is the perfect chance to talk about a few things." Samson said as he stared at my head. "First, there's ears on your head. And your head is white. How are you doing that?"

I peaked at him with a raised brow before feeling something twitch. "Oh!" I reached up and touched them. This happened a few times before when I was in my room back at home. I was playing a video game and a certain monster kept killing my character. Each time I would pout and I did feel like my hearing enhanced. Whenever I pouted or was in a childish mood, my hair would turn white and ears would sprout. I giggled when it tickled. "This is so cute! Quick! Take a picture!" I shoved my phone to his hand and waited for him to snap a shot.

He chuckled as he took the picture. "As I was saying," I squealed when I saw my ears. They looked so cute! They weren't so big but they were noticable. Samson sighed and reached up to scratch behind them. "Listen Valeria..."

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