Chapter 36 (NOT EDITED)

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I woke up the next day feeling relieved. Yesterday was a good day since I gotten to know Solomon a little better. The triplets gave me that gift too and I was slick enough to hide it from Samson. Who knows how he would react if he saw what they made for me. I turned over on my side then chuckled. Speaking of which, Samson was sleeping peacefully beside me. He must have sneaked in through the window after he dropped me off last night. I reached up to push aside his bangs which has grown a bit longer. I smiled. I prefer guys with long hair. I hugged his bare chest and listened to his heartbeat.

Azulna stirred inside me as I took in his scent. Such a masculine scent confused me of cologne when it was his natural smell. It was strong, and alluring. I then looked down the rest of his body. The blankets covered his lower half while his upper body was exposed. I grinned as I caressed his chocolate brown skin, feeling his muscles. He twitched and I couldn't help giving his nipple a quick lick. That woke him up. "Are you tempting me?" He moved unto his side and hugged me, his eyes still closed.

"Whatever do you mean?" I smirked and snuggled into his broad chest. He sniffed my hair and whispered sweet compliments to us. Azulna whimpered in delight and I kissed his chest in response. "Samson, go to sleep. I want to show you someone..."

"Alright." He yawned and gave me one last kiss.


"I don't think you've seen Azulna's form..." I motioned to her as she wagged her tail beside Samson's large lycan. Samson shook his head as he looked her over. I stood beside him while Azulna and his lycan sniffed and rubbed heads. "You know, she's rather slim and feminine looking compared to yours. I don't think I've seen a female lycan in the internet either..."

Samson smiled in amusement. "No, because females don't really have a lycan side. They just look like normal over-sized wolves. This is the first time I've ever seen a lycan like yours." I glanced at him. "You're very special Valeria. You continue to surprise me." He smiled my way and hugged me.

I returned his hug and glanced at Azulna. She was running around and tackling our mate's lycan. They wrestled and occasionally shared kisses. They were having a lot of fun judging by the way they panted with their tongues hanging out. Their eyes shimmered as they chased each other. The scene was so cute I couldn't help giggling. Samson watched along side me and rubbed my back.

Having a wolf side was an awesome experience. Watching them play around reminded me of Ophelia. Once we seperate her from her grandmother's wolf, she'll be completely human. She won't have a wolf side anymore. I wonder if it'll be awkward for her. Or if she would be bothered by it at all. Their grandmother is messed up for ruining that for her. She went and manipulated her, making her turn against her father just so she can get payback for what? Whatever happened, its now in the past. The thought of her made me irritated and purse my lips. Samson glanced down at me when he felt my hands tightened together behind him.

"Valeria!" Azulna barked as her hackles raised.

I quickly glanced her way and gaped at what I saw. Another wolf, gray all over with white patches on its face and sides walked calmly towards us. A black mist seem to follow her as it walked. Azulna ran and hid behind Samson's lycan as he growled at the new wolf. Despite how calm the newcomer was, the black eyes and dark atmosphere around it made me shiver. It stood a good distance from us and stared. I gulped. I had a feeling who this wolf was...

"Blue moon wolf..." Called the stranger, it's voice hoarse and ragged. I was right. This was their grandmother. I guess, I thought about her so strongly that she wandered into here. Samson held me tightly against him and glared harshly at her. 'Wait, I cant breath!' I struggled in his arms. Her ears twitched. "Mind your place. This has nothing to do with you."

Valeria's Lycan mateWhere stories live. Discover now