Chapter 2

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After a while the doctor came to me and was asking me various questions of my past to see the extent of my amnesia. He asked me about the last thing I remember, and I was telling him over and over again that my last memory is that I was going home from the precinct after solving hard case and since then I have only darkness in my head. When he got all the information he needed from me, he got up and left. I stayed alone in the room again, but not for long. The door opened and there Martha with Alexis were standing. They closed the door behind them and sat on my bed. Martha hugged me and I squeezed her tightly.

"Martha, I'm so terribly sorry. I don't want Rick to worry, "I told her before she could say anything.

"Darling, it's not your fault. They did hurt you, so you don't have to put blame on your shoulders. Richard loves you and he will support you. Together you can make it, "she told me and I felt tears began to form in my eyes. A few have dropped out, but I quickly wiped them away. Then Alexis got up and sat on my bed. She hugged me and in the meantime she was holding me tightly to her body.

"Kate, I have never told you how important your role is in my life. You're my inspiration, and you are acting like you were my mom, "she finished and I saw a few tears in her eyes.
After a while they said they had to go and left. I was sitting on the bed and looking at the wall. Various pictures from beginnings of our "relationship" with Castle were running through my head. How we met and how I had never told him that his books have helped me after my mother's death or that I was standing in a line just to get my book signed. I smiled about it, but my smile soon faded. I felt lonely. I was in a room alone. I called a nurse and asked her if she could call Rick to come to me. She nodded and about half an hour later, Rick was sitting in a chair next to my bed. I leaned over and grabbed his both hands. I looked straight into his eyes and then I just burst into tears. He hugged me and held us tightly together. I cried into his shirt and held him as tight as I could to my body.

"Don't worry," Rick whispered to my ear, "together we can do it. I'll help you out of this and get back your memories. I love you and I always will."

"I ... I kind of don't know what you want me to say, but thank you for everything," I whispered at the end of last words, and he squeezed my hand reassuringly, "Could you take me home please?"

Castle was a little surprised at first moment after I had asked him that, but immediately agreed and promised to speak with the doctor. He also wanted to have me at home. We were hugging each other for a little while again. I was laying resigned in his arms, and he pressed me to him with the need lovers have.
"I always had feelings for you, Rick," I whispered before I fell asleep in his arms. He put me back into bed and gently covered my body with blankets. I felt him giving me a kiss on the forehead, and I smiled. Then I went to dreamland.

Meanwhile when I was sleeping, Castle spoke with the doctor who agreed with my release from the hospital but with conditions. Rick had to take care of me. He wanted to do it anyway so there wasn't any problem. The next step was to sign release papers, which I did the next day when I woke up. After all that paperwork I was finally on my way to home. Rick was driving in silence and I knew exactly why. We were both nervous.

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