Chapter 5

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Castle immediately pulled me into his arms and kissed my hair.

"Kate, don't worry. Although you probably don't like it, you will start to go to therapy. A psychologist will help you cope everything and he will give you advise how to remember everything," he said and yet he wa still pulling me closer to him. I buried my head into the crook of his neck and after a few minutes I fell asleep from exhaustion after this long day. Castle picked me up and carried me to bed. He didn't bother to undress me out of clothes. He lay down with me and with his arm around my waist he fell asleep as well.

I woke up before he did. I decided that I will put my amnesia aside and make us breakfast to bed. Pancakes, eggs and bacon were the obvious choice. I made a coffee, which I almost immediately spilled, because two strong arms caught me around my waist and soft lips imprinted me a kiss on the cheek. I put the cups on the counter and turned around. I wasn't quite sure of my act, but I didn't want to waste time. After all, I don't know when my brain is going to remember and I did not want to be without a sweet kiss before it happens. I kissed Rick on the lips. At first we were both a little surprised, especially Castle, but immediately afterwards we shared a long and passionate kiss. It was probably some signal, because to my brain just returned memories of the very beginning of our relationship. I thought of that first night we spent together. I immediately pulled away and smiled at him.

"Ca-Cas-Castle I just remembered something!" I said stammered, and before he could ask what, I said, "I remember our first night together and the few days after that. I remember my suspension and then return back to work and the first case where we have worked together already as lovers."

I was so excited about this all sudden miracle that I hardly noticed that Rick has tears in his eyes. He seemed sad and happy at the same time. I looked into his eyes and smiled at him.
"I know it's not much, but," I managed to say before I was interrupted by Castle, "No Kate. It is a lot. It's a progress. It's a start. This is proof that gradually you will remember everything and that everything will be okay," he said, and hugged me. I felt like the luckiest person in the world. When we collected ourselves from everything, we had breakfast. After breakfast, I called my psychologist and I made an appointment on the very next day. I was still overwhelmed of that I remembered. Castle was in his office, and he was writing his next book from the series of Nikky Heat. He needed something to help him process what just happened. There was so much on us. It was a positive thing, but even so it was very mentally demanding. Around the noon I went for Castle to his office. As soon as he saw me at the door, he stopped writing. I sat on his lap and kissed him.

"It's time for lunch. Should I cook something or should I order something?" I asked and I kissed him again.

"You could make sandwiches, and I'll take you for a date night. We'll go to dinner and then we will take a romantic walk home and then maybe we could pour ourselves some wine and cuddle," he said happily. I nodded enthusiastically. I made us lunch and after eating I've cleaned up the dishes. I went into the bedroom and I chose an outfit for the evening rendezvous. I wanted to take a necklace with my mom's ring and my engagement ring, but I could not find it anywhere.

"Rick! Where do I have that necklace with my rings?" I called out to Castle. He came to the bedroom and looked at clothes on our bed.

"You will look wonderful," he said, smiling at me, "Close your eyes," he told me. I did what he wanted. I felt the cold of his hands and of a metal on my neck and shivers ran down my spine and my whole body. I opened my eyes, I looked at the chain, and I threwmy arms around Rick's neck. He kissed me on the lips and then hugged me.

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