New friends part 2

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Tre pov

Ariel said she goon a come over cause she wanna meet dalayah I tell jalen (my twin) he says he wanna meet her too since he stayed upstairs for like  ever 

Jalen Pov 

I wanna meet dalyah the way Mal was describing her she sound awesome but I can't like her cuz that's my nigga so I go downstairs and all of the squad says hey and there you are and as I reply I see her sitting on the couch next to river and Tay so I walk up to her and say wassup I'm jalen you must be dalayah she stops talkin to river and says hey and smiles she has such a beautiful  smile but I  saying I can't like her then i hear someone call her name and I look up it was  malak he was saying I haven't seen you in forever and everyone laughs and she says bae it's been like 19 mins chill and he say yah a long time then I clear my throat then Malak daps me up and says haven't seen you in a while either 

River pov

Malak and jalen dap each other up then the doorbell rings scaring Ben so he fell off the couch and we try not to laugh dalayah goes and gets up and screams OMG HEY GIRL so we go to see who it is its Ariel so tre says y'all know each other ? They both say yah and jalen buts in saying how and Ariel says we use to go to the same school before I moved then we nod our heads

4 hours later

Dalayah Pov 

After talking with squad we decide to leave cause  unfortunately we have school tomorrow fortunately its a Friday then river asks can she sleepover then I ask my mom if she can then Malak asks to so I say the same 

Layah: mommy can river and Malak sleeeeep over pwesseeeeee

Mom❤️:as long as their parents says it's okay and is malak your bf if so then I don't want any grandkids yet 

Layah:😠😂😂😂yah he is mom and you won't and thanks 

Mom❤️: ok no problem just don't get into another fight or trouble 

Layah:ok promise 

dalayah  pov 

She said yes and malak she said she don't want any grandkids yet *giggles* okay malak says red as fuck river laughs and they go to my house

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