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Ben pov 

Call 911 I say as calm as possible Malak rushes over to her and picks her up carefully it's 9:00am is the hospital gonna be open Jaden says every one literally stops and gave him the really nigga face but he just said "oh yea it's a hospital lemme shut up" I nodded and Malak walked out the door and put Dalayah in the car and yelled "AMBULANCE TAKES TO LONG MY BABY NEEDS HELP IM NOT LOSING HER AGAIN" with one tear going down his face he sped away I just hope this nigga don't get pulled over for speeding I get in my car and tell everyone to hurry up people wanna walk hella slow

Malak pov 

I finally made it to the hospital and took her in there I told a nurse she blacked out the nurse rushed to her and put her on a stretcher everyone finally walked in I mean it took them 20 mins it took me 13 maybe because I sped but that's not the point the point is why did Dalayah black out I got up and asked the lady if she knew which room Dalayah was in "um is it Dalayah Taylor  orrrrr somebo-gco "yes it her thx do you know e room number ?" "Um it's 207 have a nice day" I thanked her and told everyone else  I went to the room and saw  Dalayah unconscious with machines hooked up to her her heart monitor says she has a steady heart beat  the doctor walks in and says his name is Doctor jinep (lol couldn't think worth a eff)  " Dalayah here blacked out do to not eating enough protein and not really eating balanced foods she needs more fruits proteins and she has enough vegetables but it looks like she has a loss of blood-gco why has she lost blood Jalen and River say "well it looks like she's been throwing up a lot is she a Virgin ?. Everyone looks at me and I nod my head yes and say it "yes she's a Virgin" doctor jinep nods and goes and asks the nurse a question she responds and she tells us  "ms.taylor has been throwing up due to stress and not enough food on her stomach for her to be full " we nod and then they walk out 

Dalayah pov 

I hear a lot of talking around me but I can't see there is a light but I don't know if I can reach it then I feel my hand being touched  I think it's Ben or Malak then I hear I love you's I feel like I have more strength and run in the light which I open my eyes and gasp for air  Jalen bear hugs me and Malak pushed him off  and kissed my cheek I notice everyone was worrying about me "why were you guys worrying" I say between hugging everyone else Malak told me why I nodded and rolled over I heard my ringtone for a group chat but no one texted idk who has my phone so I asked and Malak gave it to me it was Chris, tyga and  I 

Cbreezy💨:are u ok Malak told us you went to the hospital 

Tyga🐾: We know why you are in there are u ok 

Cbreezy💨&tyga🐾: DALAYAH

Me:what nigga damn yes I'm ok thanks for asking and how'd Malak let y'all know where I was 

Tyga🐾:your phone 

Me:oh ok gtg idk why yet but I do I'm allowed to leave this hell hole 

Cbreezy💨:thought u was at the hospital 

Me:I am but not for long 

After texting them my phone goes off again but I ignore it that's when I look around and notice my parents aren't here I jumped up and the heart monitor started beeping and racing everyone tried to calm me down but the doctor and nurse came in and told me to take deep breaths  I did and calmed down "Ben where's mom and dad ?" "Um idk I told them both where we are but I got no response" Malak interrupted like its his conversation "aren't they on their honey moon in Paris  ?"Oui, ils sont"(yes they are in French lmao) I responded I threw him off and he nodded I even used an accent then Asia buts in too "that's not a reason for them not to reply  and good accent girl  tre says "tu vas manger plus de nourriture"(are you gonna eat) I nodded then Malak went to the food court I guess and he came back with a chicken salad I ate it and threw the stuff away then I stand up and walk to a different room where asias sister is suppose to be in yea we are in the same hospital but that's not the point I walk up to her old nurse and ask where Diamond stunder went "oh she's been released a month ago no one told her sister Asia stunder?" I shake my head no and thank her walking to my room I look at Asia "um Asia your sister she um she-gco what happend did she wake up Noah tells her to shush and let me speak which made me keep in a giggle "she um was released a month ago" I say slowly asia looks shocked and imediatly called someone she put them on speaker 

Asia:why didn't anybody tell me diamond woke up let alone left the hospital ?

???:hello to you to darling and I thought you got the text saying this 


Her mom:Asia um can you come home for a minute and please bring your friends 

Asia:um ok mom 

Asia pov 

"You know we goin asia" Dalayah said hugging me I smiled and stared off into space thinking on why she was acting so weird and didn't yell at me for yelling at her I ran into someone it was Noah thankfully "you good bae you wanna get on my back or sum" he said I nodded and got on his back I told Ben the address along with Malak since he had took a separate car then we started driving to my house we finally got there I swear it took like 45 minutes to get there but I knocked on the door and my mom smiled a half smile and let all of us in she sat me down on the couch and diamond had a smirk on her face like she knew something was wrong or happening then my dad came in and sat next to my mom "Asia you um aren't you aren't ours" I looked shocked and really thought they were joking but it makes since why my "sister" would always say stuff like "they got u cause I wanted a sister or we can get rid of you just like we got you " I never thought about it till now Noah walked up to me and picked me up off the couch and waved his hand in my face "earth to Asia" I nod and look at my adoptive parents to my so called sister she had the nerve to say "I told you we could get rid of you just like that bitch" she laughs and tried to walk away but I've had it with her Iran up to her and kicked her in her stomach and punched her nose it started bleeding but I didn't care she tried to swing at me but I ducked I kneed her nose and I heard a crack people were trying to pull me off but I wouldn't stop punching and kicking my adoptive parents told me I want welcome there anymore and I said "AT LEAST I STILL HAVE A REAL FAMILY HOE AT LEAST I KNOW WHO THE DAD OF MY KID WOULD BE WHENEVER I GET PREGNANT!" She looked shocked and my dad looked at her "I thought that was my child in there*points to her stomach*  she shrugged and said "idk  if it is she started to fake cry my dad walked out the house then my so called mom yelled "HOMEWRECKER BITCH I WISH WE JUST ADOPTED DIAMOND AND NOT YOU AS WELL YOU  FUCK UP" I smirked because diamond looked at her "I'm adopted ?" I smirked even more "welcome to the club bitch"  and walked off well tried that sorry excuse for  a mom tried to punch me off guard Noah pulled me out the way while Dalayah uppecutted her repeatedly while Ben and Malak tried to get her off  they finally did and we all left we decided to go to Dalayah and Bens house but as soon as we got there Dalayah saw a note from her aunt that said......


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