Chapter 5

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Last night was fantastic.

Despite the hazing ritual that Enobaria and some of the other victors tricked me into, we had a good time dancing at one of the clubs in the main drag. I would’ve rather stayed there all night than have gotten pulled out in the middle of my time in the zone just for the sake of orientation. I finally got the chance to just forget about everything important and have some fun, for once.

Cato, Brutus and the guys missed a good time. That’s their loss.

“The Victor’s Orientation,” Enobaria drones unenthusiastically, emphasizing her agitation and bringing me back to reality from my daydream. She's usually more focused than she is now.

She clearly wants to skip through this process and just take the high road out of here to have the day to herself. She did, however, make it clear to me last night that my grandparents would find out if she shirked her duty to run us through the standard procedure and inevitably sentence her to a visit with a monstrosity all the victors of District 2 are supposedly familiar with--the dreaded whipping post.

Last night, she let me in on a juicy little secret about my family. No, not my father, but my wealthy, untouchable grandparents.

Based on her description, they seem just as evil on the inside now as they were when they left me for dead as a child. Apparently, they’ve gained enough trust with the Capitol to be able to summon a squad of peacekeepers with the drop of a hat--a privilege they’ve learned how to abuse.

At first, I was shocked by her seemingly ridiculous accusations. Despite my skepticism, the other victors insisted that Enobaria was telling the truth and that none of us have much choice but to follow their iron-fisted orders. In retrospect, I’m not surprised at all by their descriptions--I had to experience their wrath on a personal level for as long as I can remember.   

However, they didn’t say much about my uncle, other than the fact that he’s kind of reclusive.

"Ah yes. Questions and answers. The two of you have had a lot thrown at you in the last few days and you probably need time to process all of it. Do either of you have any questions before we begin?" My mentor’s eyes wander from side to side as the reads directly off her clipboard.

For one reason or another, Cato starts popping pointless questions. I sigh inwardly as our mentors force themselves to cater to his bidding.


I still need something to get this horrible headache off my mind.

Maybe I can will the pain away…


As our mentors capitulate to whatever Cato has on his mind, I take the opportunity to step away from the scene to just take a break. No one ever seemed to care when I pretty much did the same thing in school. Whenever I had a class I didn’t want to attend, I just left the school without thinking. None of us want to be here right now, so I don’t see why there’s a problem if I step away for a few minutes. I doubt there’s anything important written on that clipboard.

I don’t know how Cato became so attentive all of the sudden. He never won any awards for academic excellence. From his angle, I’d say he’s trying to kiss our mentors’ butts just to earn brownie points with them so he’s more likely to get away with whatever he mistake he makes in the future. He did the exact same thing when he wooed the crowds in the Capitol. He’s probably trying to get my grandparents to take his side when a conflict arises.

As I cautiously pace around the courtyard, something in Cato’s expression catches my eye. He’s got his arms huddled under his shirt and he’s fidgeting nervously, dancing in place like an ant on steroids. He’s not even making eye contact with our mentors.

The Hunger Games: Entropy (A Clato Fanfiction: NTI Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now