Chapter 10

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Having left my old home before sunset, I still have some time left today to do whatever I want.

Not knowing what else to do, I turn towards the valley that contains the quarries my father runs, continuing my stroll down memory lane. I used to come down to the area every now and then and hang around the abandoned trenches. Local children use the areas devoid of resources and useless to workers for their own sport.

As the sun begins to set, the horn in the distance emits three longs blasts. Three blasts from the horn signals the end of the shift. The workers will advance in this direction shortly.

I barely make my way down the gradually-sloped ramp when I see the quarry workers calling it quits for the day. They work ten hours a day for five days a week with one hour of down time between each six-hour shift.

As they march up the hill, it almost sounds like a heard of cattle migrating across the prairie. Just how many people work here? The numbers are probably lower than I would expect, but they make a lot of noise. The crowd isn't even that big anyway. I stand by as they advance up the hill and finish the work day.

The workers gradually begin to pass me as they advance up the hill. Some of them walk with a slouch; probably from hunching over and picking up loose material or debris on the ground. Most of them operate high-powered machinery in order to maximize input; others work in refinery to optimize yield. Some of the workers turn their heads toward me and give me odd looks, wondering what someone like me could gain from watching the workers finish their day jobs.

Near the back of the pack, one particular worker stares at me for a long period of time. He looks quite familiar. I’ve seen his eyes and his frame somewhere. I don't recognize him instantly--where I did I last see him?

The pack of workers ends, but he keeps staring at me. As the distance between us starts to increase, he turns his head back around and keeps moving with the rest of pack. I know him from somewhere--I know that for sure.

As the pack starts to disappear, the familiar laborer breaks away and turns back toward me. He cautiously begins to advance toward me. This is a young guy; he looks about my age. He knows me for sure, but why don't I instantly recognize him?'s Lysander...I didn't recognize him at all in the work uniform. He looks totally different in it. I haven't seen him since the Reaping day. Come to think of it, how long has he worked in the quarries? Most children in district 2 begin learning their trade around age 13 or 14, but Lysander trained at the academy...

From what I know, in the career districts, some children opt out of learning their industry when they become of age to train as careers. Their parents don't seem to mind, even though it costs money to train a career. Those that train at the Academy can opt for full-time career tribute or a half-laborer deal where they work in industry part time. That way, they can learn the industry and train as a career at the same time, should they decide not to volunteer for the Games.

Besides, almost, if not all of the past volunteers I know of served as full-time careers. The part-time careers usually make lousy tributes anyway. For all I know, Lysander may have worked part-time as a laborer and career tribute.

"Hey hey, Cato, my man, long time no see bro." He laughs half-heartedly and offers me his hand. We shake and embrace in a half hug, not having seen each other in many weeks. It seemed like much longer. Despite that, it feels good seeing an old friend again.

"Eh dude, good to see you again. What you up to these days?"

"Well, like most of the district, I moved on to working full time. Unlike you, I have to earn my keep. By the way, congratz on the win, broski," he adds. "Hey, give me some knuckle." I hesitate at first, recalling the time Enobaria tricked me into punching metal knuckle guards. My fingers still hurt from that.

The Hunger Games: Entropy (A Clato Fanfiction: NTI Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now