Chapter 29

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The other Victors? I'm not exactly ready to meet them just yet. I mean, I saw some of them when they won their Games--I remember the twins, Nectar and Sheiva. They won two years apart--I think it was the 66th and 68th Games. Kirkus Straker won five years ago. I remember that day quite well--it was a mess in District 2. No one from around here has returned home a winner since then--except for me and Cato.

Every time a Victor comes back home, they turn into a celebrity. Not just in their home District, but in the Capitol as well. Besides, everyone in the Capitol watches them and the Games on TV. No wonder.

"So...who's coming?" Cato butts in, covering for my uncertainty. “Are we having a party?”

"This is no time for goofing off," Enobaria sneers at him. "Besides, the twins and Kreiger are making time to see you today."

Kreiger...Xanthus Kreiger...I think he won a ways back, when I was really young. I didn't even care or pay attention at all back then.

It almost scares me that the untouchable, trophy-like beings known as the other Victors would actually take the time to see us today, here and now. They always seemed flawless to the point of surpassing human status. I never imagined myself being on the same level as them.

"By the way," Brutus adds, "if either of you want refreshment, fill out one of the slips on the table and drop it in the box near the door." He points toward a black box near the door labeled 'Orders.' Duh. "Questions?"

"Why else did you summon us here?" Cato blurts.

"Tour's coming up," Brutus responds. “If you wanted another answer, you’d better look elsewhere.”

"Check your calendar, pea brain," Enobaria smirks. "Three months from now. Not to mention the stakes on this one."

"What stakes?" Cato jokes cluelessly.

Brutus shakes his head in dismay. "You didn't pay attention, did you boy?"

"Not enough to know what you mean."

"That's why you're here," he gruffs.

"That's why BOTH of you are here," Enobaria adds. "This has never happened before with two victors. We don't know what to expect and we need every bit of information we can get."

"It'd be easier if we only had to deal with one of you," Brutus remarks. Enobaria shoots him a death glare, acknowledging his rude remark. He shakes his head listlessly.

"The point is," Enobaria continues, "Snow mandated diplomacy speeches for both of you in each district. We need to make sure that you get them done on time and that each one of them is sure to calm down the tension in the other districts. We can't risk more than what's already at stake."

"May I at least have some time to rest?" Cato pleads.

"Very well," Brutus responds. "Just relax for the next few minutes until the others get here. But we mean BUSINESS about the speeches and the Tour. Got it?" Cato nods in response.

Cato takes a spot on the other end of the sectional on the opposite side me after Brutus reprimands him for his bad decisions in the last few months. I guess he finally got his turn in the hot seat for once.

I grab a pencil and one of the slips of paper from the stack on the table. Upon examining the list, I notice that the amount of items on this list is beyond dizzying--I don't even know what I would even want the first time coming here.

Then again, I did eat not long before I came here for the morning, so I set the pencil down and continue to examine the form. They build a dizzying selection of custom food items here--more than I would ever imagine.

The Hunger Games: Entropy (A Clato Fanfiction: NTI Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now