Surprise Meetings

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"Well, I have a question for you. I heard that there is a Magi here in Sindria, since you are the king I expect you to know of him. His name is-"

"Aladdin. Yes, he is here, but how do you know this?" His face went dark. "Who are you working for?" Sinbad looked back at me. His smile faded. I could not tell him of the Kou Empire. He might assume the worst, not to mention, our Magi does not have the best relationship with the King or his country.

"I understand your caution, but I work for no one. Besides, once people hear the word Magi, his or her whereabouts spread like wild fire. I'm surprised others have not come to you before about him."

"Oh, trust me, they have. But, they weren't the best of people."

"I can guess that, anyway, would it be fine if I could talk to him? If you have to inspect me beforehand I will allow it." Anything for the Empire.

"Inspect you? Please, explain what you mean by that."

"Well, if you want to make sure I am of no threat and I that have no weapons, I will allow you to look into and under my clothes. Does that sound alright to you?"

Sinbad nodded. "That sounds perfectly fine to me." Ja'far looked down in disappointment.


"Here it is! The room that contains Aladdin." I wobbled over to where Sinbad was. My face was burning. I felt violated. I'm thankful Ja'far was there before that perverted ass could do anything else. Too bad, I am not able to tell the King what I really think of him. That may make the relationship between Sindria and the Kou worse, not that he knows I'm from there.

"Thank you, I appreciate it. I am very thankful that the King himself showed me. I feel honored." I bowed and opened the doors. When I looked inside I was surprised.

"Hey! Alibaba, Morg! Where we go n- Uh, hmm," A small blue haired boy looked over to me. "Hello there Miss, my name's Aladdin." The boy walked up to me. This- This was the Magi?! I did not expect such a young child to hold such power. He, this little child, has the same power as Master Judar?

"O-oh, umm, yeah, Hi." I bent down to his level and shook his hand. "I am Emii." This was strange. This feeling, I... I feel so light right now. This Magi, no, this pure child, he... he is...

"Wow, Emii, you're pretty big!" My face started to burn. I could not stop myself. This boy, he was...

"You are just like the others!" I punch him straight in the face.

"Ah, Aladdin!" "Aladdin!" I looked over to see a blonde boy and Fanalis girl. So, these are his friends. I looked down. I can see why this girl is still staying with such a perverted child. No offense to her.

"Oww." I looked back over to Aladdin. Oh, no! I-

"My sincerest apologizes! I- I did not mean! I-! I am so sorry, Aladdin!" I ran over and started to look and check over the bruise. It did not seem to be too bad. I smiled.

"That's good. Oh, Aladdin, please forgive me. I'm sure you will be just fine."

"Hey!" I looked over to the blonde boy. "Who are you?! Are you here for a fight?" I saw his hand glide over to his small dagger.

"Excuse me, but I do not appreciate small children grabbing my chest, even if he is a Magi." Was it normal for this child to grab a woman's chest? I'm surprised Lady Hakuei thinks highly of him.

"Alibaba, calm down." The Fanalis girl tried to calm her friend. Her hair was a color similar to Master Kouh-Oh no! I almost forgot! I need to bring this Magi to the Kou Empire, but with the friends he's with, I'm not sure I can just ask straight out. I need to befriend these people, gain their trust! But, how?

"Please, let me join you!" I got down on my knees and put my head down. They all stared at me. I feel so weak for stooping down to this level. "I really want to travel with you three! I have heard many great things about you all and I was hoping you could help me become a better person!" I heard laughing. I lifted my head and saw them laughing. Damn, I'm so stupid. I knew this would not work.

"Hey, Alibaba, doesn't she remind you of Morg?"

"Yeah, when we first started out, don't you agree, Morgiana?"

"Yeah." I looked up to them. They had witnessed this before? And it was this Fanalis girl, Morgiana? So, they are laughing at the memories, correct? How pleasant.

"Emii?" Aladdin looked over to me.

"Yes, what is it?" I stood up and brushed my dress.

"We were about to head out for a new dungeon, would you like to come with us?" He held out his hand. He might be a pervert, but he still is a very kind Magi.

"Yes, thank you! Thank you so much!" I grabbed his hand and shook it. I felt happy and, also, releived they said yes. Even if I'm acting, in my heart, I was truly happy.

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