Morning Sunshine

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Like with the previous ship I was on, this one also calmed me and filled me with a sense of joy. Although, with this adventure I had no a clue where we were going. I had asked Aladdin, but he said he did not know either. Sinbad had told him that they had found another dungeon near the country of Reim, but that is all we had. I guess some is better than none, but I we prefer if we had some information about the dungeon or if there were others going to the dungeon.

I sighed and headed back to my cabin. Tonight should be bliss, compared to what might happen tomorrow.


"Emii. Hey, please get up." I felt someone shaking me up. I opened my eyes to see Morgiana.

"Oh, Morgiana, why have you awaken me? From what I tell it's still dark." I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

"I need to warn you." She looked down. "Since Aladdin is a magi and I'm a Fanalis we often grab unwanted attention."

"Unwanted attention?" Did she mean bandits? They do not seem to be that difficult to defeat.

"I mean that we get involved in battle and even wars against other countries. Also, the dungeons are very dangerous places that can wear one down very quickly. I just want to warn you about what you might get into." She kept her head down, never looking at me. I smiled.

"Do not worry Morgiana, I can handle myself. I have also been a part of such terrible things, maybe not as bad as you have, but the events I have been through have prepared me for this. I appreciate your concern, thank you." This time I bowed my head down.

"There isn't any need to thank me; I just wanted to let you know what will probably happen."

"Still, thank you." It was a bit awkward, but we laughed it off. After that we talked about less depressing topics and then she went back to her cabin. She was a sweet girl.


We made it to shore. It was bright and full of life. A busy market, kids playing around, music chimed. It was amazing. Aladdin, Morgiana, and I waited at the port. Alibaba was thanking the captain and asking about direction. It was a nice morning. Hopefully, this means a good day will follow, maybe a great day.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2015 ⏰

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