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You can't find love for love shall find you.
- Unknown


- Alexis Bella de la Rosa -


MY head snapped up as the loud noises of a gun filled the hall. Registering the sounds, we all dropped to the ground, being sure to stay safe whilst our eyes darted round to spot where the shooting came from.

Ducking behind a nearby table for cover, my hand immediately dived into behind the slit of my dress, pulling out a black gun that was hidden tactically against prying eyes.

By now, all the guests had fled and all that was to remain were my familia along with Damien's.

A shadowed figure was standing on the top of the stairs, hidden so well that he was unrecognisable. Peering even closer, I soon realised that it was a man who served me a drink.

A faint memory flashed in my head as I recalled the dragon tattoo that was embedded onto the waiters wrist in jet black.

All of the men that shot bullets at us had the same tattoos, including the waiter as some of them were dressed in the kind of clothing that would help them blend in- like waiters uniforms and kitchen staff.

Rising up to a reasonable height, I began shooting back just like the others and with one attempt for two men, both of them fell to the ground dead, a bullet hole now in each of them.

I hid behind another table to get closer, dodging each attempt that the men made to take my life just like I'd taken two of their guy's.

Feeling a state of astonishment lingering at the side of my head,I quickly side glanced, to see who the culprit was.

"What?" I asked as a shocked Damien stared at me with an open jaw, his eyes widened like golf balls.

"I didn't know that you could shoot- let alone knew about the Mafia World," He replied in disbelief.

Cracking a grin, I shook my head. "I've know since I was 14," I replied, looking over the table.

"Really?" he asked in a voice no louder than a whisper.

"Yes, really. What about you?" I asked, smiling and ducking down simultaneously as another bullet shot through the air.

"12," he finally replied, looking at the other side and shooting at the man who dared to shoot at me.

Standing up for a second, I aimed and shot two times, taking out another guy.

"You're good," he spoke up over the loud noises, without looking at me as a smirk graced his lips.

"I know," I cracked a smile cockily, causing him to let out a low chuckle.

There was a lot of firing until it all stopped.

"Is it safe?" I shouted out in Spanish, directing my question to my papá and hermanos.

"Si." Hearing the reply of conformation, I got up, with Damien at my side and made a bee line over to my hermanos.

"You were right," Julian grinned, eyes trained on his gun as he reloaded it in case of another shoot out, much like all the others who were doing the same thing.

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