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True love is rare, and it's the only thing that gives life real meaning.
- Nicholas Sparks

T H E F E R N A N D E Z ' S

- Damien Fernandez -


PEERING out of the window as we flew high into the sky, I watched the white and fluffy clouds, which were the only sight visible along with the small patches of blue which seeped through them.

Just a few moments ago, the captain made an announcement that we'd be landing soon, indicating for us to return to our seats and clip in our seatbelts.

Averting my gaze to a sleeping Alexia, I smiled.

"Don't you think that's a little creepy?" Luca asked, his words causing me to glare at him from the corner of my eyes.

"F*ck off." I told him, careful not to speak too loud, resulting in Alexia stirring awake.

"Alright." He smirked, raising his hands in defence as a teasing expression lingered amongst his features.

Ignoring him as he turned to Nathan and began his attempts to aggravate me, I rolled my eyes, and caught sight of Alexia's eyelids fluttering open.

"Are we almost there yet?" She asked as she sat up to peer out of the small oval shaped window.

Touching her hand and pulling it away from her face, I brushed a hair back causing her to meet my soft gaze.

"Thanks," she breathed out in a tone no louder than a whisper.

"It's okay," I replied, a small smile taking refuge on my lips.

"We'll he landing any moment now." I told her, replying to her previous question.

Nodding in response, she smiled.

"I haven't been to Spain in ages. It's been way too long." She told me, the look of joy flashing in her eyes.

"I could say the same." I replied, adjusting the position of my tie as I licked my lips and rested back against the seat.

In a matter of minutes we had landed and the door to outside had opened up, one by one we got up from our seats.

- Alexia Bella De La rosa -

When I got to the top of the stairs I felt a stroke of heat hit my face. I had missed Spain greatly. I closed my eyes and embraced the air around me. It felt like I was home.

Just as I was about to take my last step, Damien held out his hand for me. With a smile, I took it gladly and before my feet could touch the ground, his hand immediately snaked around my waist.

Staring up at him, I couldn't help but admire his features.

Almost as if he could feel my staring, he turned and met my gaze, the spark in his eyes brightening.

No words were exchanged, but that was perfectly alright.

Climbing into the vehicle, I sat back and relaxed. The journey wasn't long and before I knew it, we had reached a large set of gates which led us down a long and never ending road.

Men stood at the gates, all of them clothed in crisp clean suits and lined up, ready for anything.

Opening the guild, we gained access and continued to drive down the path until a huge familiar mansion came into sight.

"Mi flora," Damien said opening the door wide and slipping his arm back around my waist as he lead me into the house.

It was quiet but then a trail of footsteps were heard followed by a mixture of voices.

I was greeted by hugs and kisses from Damien's abuelos, followed by his tío's.

Then came Damien's cousins, all of them towering over me as each of them greeted me politely.

And after them came Damien's tío's, Margret and Flora. They were both lovely woman who had always been joyous and kind women.

They were all lovely and remained the exact same from the last one I saw them. They were just how I had remembered.

But just as the reunion came to an end, there came another wave of familiar voices.

I spun around and to my utterly surprise, my hermano's casually sauntered through the door, my eyes widened at the sudden intrusion.

"Guys?" I asked in confusion, looking to Damien for an answer.

"Mamá, papá," I smiled, rushing up to them and hugging them tightly.

"What are you all doing here?" I asked suddenly, rising above the consistent chatter.

"Surprise," Damien spoke up, his body now next to my own, as I smiled down at me, his hand resting at the back of my neck.

Smiling up at him, no words seemed to escape from my lips. "Gracías" I told him, sincerity laced around the one simple word.

"Anything for you." He told me, his finger tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.


Hope you enjoyed 💖

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