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If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were
- Kahlil Gibran



- Alexia Bella De La rosa -

WAKING up this morning to an empty bed and the demands to get up from my tía, I groaned tiredly and sat up abruptly.

Hurried out of the room due to the many preparations that would have to be taking place today, I complied to my tía's plea.

There was still so much to be done. Especially, considering that the wedding was tomorrow.

"Alexia," I heard a voice calling out to me. My head whipped up from the magazine and as I took in the sight of my mamá holding a picture up with a grin.

With warm eyes, she pointed frantically at the page.
"Look at it," she grinned as if she were a child.

Shaking my head in amusement, I allowed my eyes to sweep over every visible detail that the picture had to offer.

"Bonita," I replied, holding the picture up with a smile.

"Querida, a thought has just sprung to mind," my mamá began, knocking me out of my daydream.

Blinking rapidly as I shifted my gaze to her brightened features, a soft smile graced my lips.
"Qué es mamá?" I asked.

With dimming features, she went on to explain her thoughts.
"You don't have anyone to be your bridesmaids!" Frantically throwing her hands up into the air, she worriedly began to pace.

"Oh," was my reply. I hadn't realised that until now.

"She doesn't need any bridesmaids."

Casually leaning against the door, hands shoved into his trouser pockets, his dark eyes cast over my own, a small smile etching on his lips.

Pushing himself from the wall, Damien stalked towards me.

Once he'd reached me, he pulled me against his chest, kissing his cheek softly before hand.
"I'm not having a best man, so you don't need bridesmaids," He smiled down at me.

I didn't have to look around to know that those around us were glancing at the two of us in sheer curiosity.

"Perfecto. But, what about the cake?" Damien's mamá questioned as she stood by my mamá's side.

"I have an idea for that," My tía smiled, receiving a nod as my mamá averted her gaze down to the notepad in her hand. Her wrist flicking as she ticked off whatever had just been sorted.

"I'll get the suits, guest list, venue and anything else to be stored, done. So I best be going." Damien told me, kissing my forehead softly before he released his gentle grip on my hands.

A cold rush ran throughout my body the minute he left my side. I tried not to let it dim my spirits, but it was simply uncontrollable.

"What's next?" I sighed, hands rested on my hips as I shifted my gaze to the scattered mess of papers and ripped magazines that lay scattered across the glass coffee table.

"We need to book a hairstylist and a make up artist for tomorrow," mamá replied, referring to the notepad.

"Can't tía Paula do the hair and makeup?" I'd have no problem with it at all considering she specialised in such things.

"Good idea!" She smiled, resting on the couch as she let out an exhausted sigh.

"One last thing left on the list, ladies." Mamá smiled, closing the book and placing it down on the table as she joined my tía on the couch.

"And that is?" I asked, going over everything we'd done in my head.

Smiling brightly, Damien's mamá, stood by my side, taking my hands in her own. "The dress."


Trekking through the shopping centre, eyes scrounging each clothing rack in every bridal shop visible, each of us searched with determined looks.

We walked out of what felt like the 100th store and still nothing sparked interest in my eyes.

I huffed and took a seat on a nearby bench and suddenly felt two hands comfortingly rest on my shoulder.

"Mi flora, do not give up yet. I'm sure there is one here that has your name on it," my mamá smiled.

"I suppose," Sighing, I rose to my feet and we set off once again.

By now, I was beyond upset. It was meant to be my big day tomorrow and I didn't even have a dress!

Just as we were about to turn around and leave, my tía let out a gasp, her eyes trained on something elegant and simply beautiful displayed in the window of the shop.

Smiling brightly, I stood at my tía's side. "It's gorgeous." I gushed, eyes widened at the sight.

Taking my hand in her own, my tía brought me with her towards the shop, pushing the door open as the bell above it rang to signify us newcomers.

Looking up from the counter, a middle aged woman smiled, placing her pen down as she came to greet us with a warm smile.

"Hello! Welcome to Lily's Bridal Boutique!" Returning the warmth, my eyes brightened instantly.

"Hi! I saw the wedding dress in the window and it's honestly the most beautiful dress I've ever seen! I'd love to try it on." Nodding with a smile, the woman gestured for us to follow, standing at a rack as she carefully looked through the sizes and picked a few out.

"I think these should be around your size." Leading us to the luxurious changing rooms, she handed me the dresses.

"Enjoy!" And with that she'd left me to admire the dress as I smiled and shut the door, urging to try the dress on.


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