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You know what charm is: a way of getting the answer yes without having asked any clear question
- Albert Camus


- Damien Fernadez -


PATIENCE WASN'T A quality that I possessed. In fact, it was quite the opposite.

Hours had passed and throughout these hours which felt like they'd lasted forever, I couldn't help but worry.

All of us had piled into the hospitals waiting room, each of us anxious and filled with worry.

A nurse walked into the room, her eyes glued to her clipboard as she called out a name "Alexi-." Heading just the first letter had all of us springing to our feet.

"O-oh follow me." She seemed overwhelmed at the cluster of men, but nonetheless she composed herself and lead the way.

"She has successfully undergone the surgery, so it's nothing to worry about. As for the baby-."

I froze.

"Baby?" Unable to believe what I'd just heard, my whole body went completely rigid.

The nurse visibly paled and nodded her head frantically. "You didn't know?.." She questioned, the clipboard tightly held against her chest as she shifted her weight between her two feet.

"I need to see her." I whispered, unable to speak any louder. "I have to-" I began, before a hand touched my shoulder gently.

"Damien. It'll be okay." Angelo stated.

"You can go in. But only one at a time." The nurse added, her hand itching towards the door handle.

Stepping towards the door, I immediately jumped at the chance.

The door to the room was pushed open and with one deep breath, I stepped in and my eyes swept across my surroundings until they landed on her.

Staring out into the window, Alexia rested against a plus pillow. "Alexia." I breathed out, my eyes locked on her angelic stature.

At the sound of her name, she visibly perked up. Wandering towards me, Alexia's eyes met with my own. "Damien." She whispered, choking on her own tears as she held her hand up, gesturing for me to go to her.

Without a single thought, I moved.

"I love you so much," I told her, taking her hand into my own and kissing it gently. "I'm so sorry."

Love and affection swirled within her brown orbs. Lighting up like the stars at night, she leaned in and left a lingering kiss upon my lips.

Closing my eyes, I savoured it and eventually opened my eyes to witness the beautiful smile that was strung across her lips.

"I love you too." She replied. Her words stirred the most wonderful feelings within and that itself had me smiling.

It was then that I remembered what the nurse had said.

"You're pregnant."

"Yes." She beamed, placing her soft hand on my cheek, brushing away a stray tear as I smiled down at her, dotingly.

I didn't have to say I was happy, the look in my eyes had already done that.

Concern then took over as I searched her body gently, careful not to hurt her.

"Damien." She laughed, her laugh sounding like church bells on a Sunday morning. Beautiful. Enchanting.

She continued. "-this isn't the first time I've been shot." She teasingly joked. "I'm doing absolutely fine. It takes a lot more than a few bullets to get rid of me."

Staring at her as she uttered these words, I knew why I'd fallen in love with her.

She was beautiful in every sense. Brave. Confident. Stubborn. And like a lioness, she was fierce.

And that's why I loved her.

- Alexia Fernandez -

Two days had passed and the doctor had told me I was able to go home. I just had to take things easy for the next week or so until the wounds weren't so tender.

"Let's get you home," Damien spoke up. Pushing myself from the bed, I got to my feet until Damien stood before, his eyebrows as high as the clouds and his arms crossed against his chest.

"What do you think you're doing, mi amor? I'll be carrying you out of here." Cracking a grin, he stepped towards me.

"No, Damien I really don't think-."

He'd already scooped me up into his arms and set off down the hallway of the hospital.

Smiling up at him, I laughed.

What ever was I going to do with him? I thought, laying my head against his chest with a grin.


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