Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-

In an ideal world we'd get to pick and choose the opportune moments to tell someone something mildly important; you know so you can create the perfect setting and set the right mood, choose your words carefully. In the world of Micaela Erickson, apparently none of these matter, and it's perfectly alright to walk into Health class and loudly announce to the entire class that, "Tatum met Brendon Urie and didn't tell us."

"You met Brendon Urie!" Alexis exclaims her head fast enough to give me whiplash, dirty blonde hair flying around her haphazardly and nearly smacking the person seated behind her in the face. Poor innocent bystander.

"Umm, yes?" I say hesitantly and Alexis crosses her arms, raises a perfectly trimmed eyebrow and stares me down. "We happened to share a taxi Friday."

"And he did a shout out and played her two favorite songs at the concert." Mickey adds, throwing my ass even further under the bus.

"No way! I knew I should have told my mom to shove it and gone with you guys anyway!" Alexis groans, throwing her hands up as she melts in her desk seat into a puddle of melodrama. Then suddenly sitting board straight she fixes me with a glare again and exclaims, "I can't believe you didn't tell me! Me, your best friend since middle school!"

"Umm I thought I was your best friend!" Mickey scoffs, clearly offended. And I roll my eyes at both of them and their ability to escalate things to the extreme and make gigantic deals out of a silly little slip of the mind.

"You're both my best friends! And I didn't tell you, because it's not that big of a deal. So I shared a taxi with him Friday and ran into him at the concert. It's not the highlight of the century, I mean he probably meets fans all the time." I tell them, and Alexis leans forward to smack me in the arm. "Ow!"

"You ran into Brendon at the concert too? You lucky bitch! How many more secrets are you keeping from me?" She demands, and I wince from the pain delivered to my bicep.

"Nothing god! I got lost and somehow found myself back in the dressing room. He walked me back to the lobby, no one saw us, it's no big deal." I tell her, rubbing my arm tenderly.

"And then he proceeded to thank her for coming out and dedicated an entire freaking song to her. Oh yeah, that's definitely not a big deal." Mickey says sarcastically, completing the attitude with an exaggerated roll of her eyes and a sassy smirk.

"You guys, it isn't a big idea. I mean, come on, he's probably forgot all about it. Forgotten all about me even. He's Brendon Urie for crying out loud, and I'm nobody special. Just another face out in the crowd of his many worshipers." I tell them, shrugging the whole ordeal off. Was meeting Brendon one of the coolest experiences of my life? Yes. Was I totally blown away by his presence and his devastating good looks? Hell yes. Would I trade both Mickey and Alexis's existence in exchange to see him again, you bet your sweet ass I would. But I've just got to accept the fact that it was a once in a lifetime experience, and Brendon has more important things going on in his life than thinking about me.

We spend the remainder of the class period talking about my cab ride and pre-concert run in with Brendon, and thankfully the girls are both too preoccupied with my celebrity rendezvous that they completely disregard Mr. Tirosimi and follow me down the halls to my locker. I'm spinning the combination of my locker when Alexis asks a question I wasn't prepared for.

"Did you guys have more fun without me at the concert?" She asks, looking down at her feet. Mickey and I exchange knowing looks before we both move in to hug Alexis.

"Lexi, how many times do we have to tell you, that nothing is truly fun unless you're with us. It's only half as fun and twice as boring." Mickey soothes, and I return to unlocking my locker.

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