Chapter 10

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Chapter 10-

I'd long since noticed the similarities between us, but as I stood in the bathroom mirror next to Sarah, I could hardly believe just how strongly we resembled one another. Sarah had curled my hair very loosely around my face and shoulders in a nearly identical way to her own midnight locks. Her blue eyes met my own as she released the last section of hair from the curling iron, and I took silent satisfaction in the fact that her eyes were darker than mine. There was no denying that Sarah was very beautiful, but I was desperate for any differences I could find between us.

"Wow, it's crazy. We look so much alike, I bet strangers would mistake us for sisters." She muses, smiling gently. I always wanted a sister.

I suppress the burning urge to roll my eyes, and instead step as far away as possible from her as nonchalantly as I could. Sarah wasn't terrible company to have around if I'm being honest, but this sudden emission from her was too much too soon. Admittedly I had always wanted a sister too, though I made do with close friendships growing up.

"Do you have any brothers?" I ask curiously. Just because she doesn't have a sister, doesn't mean she was an only child.

"Yeah, I have an older brother named Steve!" She says happily, and I envy the adoring look that crosses her face. I'd always hated being an only child. Brendon came from a large family, and as the youngest always had someone older to look after him and play with him. When I had met the Urie's they'd made me feel at home right away, and I had considered them as my second family. But Brendon's siblings would never truly be my own, and I would always have nineteen years of sibling-less solitude to really nail that into place. Before I can become too bitter, Sarah interrupts my brooding thoughts when she speaks again.

"Do you have any siblings?"

I take a moment to consider this, wondering if I could bring up Brendon's family, but decide against it. She hasn't met his family yet, and I don't want to remind her of the fact. Instead I say, "Technically I'm an only child, but growing up I had two friends I was very close to and considered my sisters. We haven't spoken in years though, not since I moved out here. And of course, the guys are all like brothers to me."

"All of the guys?" she asks, and I turn to give her a very startled look. Did Sarah know about my feelings for Brendon? Has she come here with a plan to confront me, and I had just given her the perfect opportunity? She grins at my bewildered expression and says, "Well after what happened with you and Dallon yesterday morning, I figured that his feelings for you weren't exactly brotherly. Besides, I saw the way you two are around each other the first day I met you. There are definite sparks flying between the two of you."

"Yeah, well congratulations you figured it out way before I did." I say ruefully, and she watches as I sit on the edge of my bed and slip my shoes on. I notice she bites her lip, contemplating some grand decision, and the courage grows visibly in her posture, as she lifts her shoulders and gives me an encouraging smile. Oh no, this cant be good.

"I also noticed that you and Ryan have a connection too. I know you said that you're not together anymore and that you're happy as friends, but are you sure there's nothing more going on between you guys? Because I saw the way he looked at you at the airport, and then you guys disappeared together yesterday. I know it's not any of my business, but it seems to me that you've got two guys chasing after you. Some people might say that you're lucky, but I think that you're playing a dangerous game. I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt."

I jump to my feet abruptly, startled by her insinuation, "And you think I'm trying to intentionally hurt them? I would never hurt either one of them, I'm not some kind of monster Sarah!"

"Oh my gosh, no that's not what I meant. I don't think you're a monster at all, I just think your heart is being pulled in too many different directions." She explains soothingly, taking my hand and squeezing it gently. She sits down on the bed to slip on her own shoes, and gestures for me to sit down next to her. She was right, my heart was being pulled in too many directions, but she had no idea just how many directions there were. And she would hate to find out who my heart really yearns for.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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