Chapter 8

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Chapter 8-

The blue of the Pacific has never looked so optimistic as we amble down Coast Highway. Ryan looks good commandeering the Tahoe; a pair of brown lensed aviator sunglasses perched on his nose, unruly brown locks dancing in the wind from the open windows of the car, head nodding along to the drum of his fingers on the steering wheel as he hums along to the Foo Fighter's CD I put in earlier. Its not been a particularly long drive, as we whip down the coastline, passing Huntington, Newport, Laguna and San Clemente beach respectively. The conversation in the car is flowing casually between the two of us in the front and an exhilarated Jon, who is turned around backwards talking animatedly to Ian, who's claimed the very back for himself. The only one not enjoying themselves it would seem is Dallon, who is glaring out his window at every passing car like they've personally offended him.

"You okay, Dal?" I ask, frowning at the angry lines creasing across his forehead.

"Yeah, Dal, you feeling alright back there? You're not experiencing any car sickness, are you?" Ryan asks, using the rearview mirror to look back at Dallon; though his tone is laced with concern, I've seen the mocking gleam in his eyes before and know that Ryan is lapping up Dallon's discomfort like a dehydrated dog in extreme heat.

"I'm doing just fine, thanks." Dallon seethes through clenched teeth, and if the sunglasses he were wearing weren't hiding his eyes, I'm sure they'd be the dark lapis blue they always are when Dallon's enraged. Feeling awful for helping create the tension between the two of them, I reach back and slip my hand into the palm he has resting on his thigh. I imagine that he's meeting my eyes through the black plastic lenses as I give his hand a consoling squeeze and throw in a sad smile for good measure.

I'm not entirely oblivious to the stress Ryan's presence puts on some of the group- despite their close relationship a few years ago, Brendon and Ryan have barely spent anytime together since the split, and never for an entire week, and Spencer and Ryan weren't half as close as they were pre-split. Ryan and Jon's departure had significantly damaged the band's ties to one another, and it was a huge leap of faith for the four of them to agree to this mini-vacation.

I pull my hand away from his before he can squeeze mine in return, and turn around to face front again, fixing my eyes to the license plate of the car in front of us. CASS3L6. The ghost of a smile tugs at my cheeks as I picture the bubbly brunette the serial number brings to mind.

"Hey Jon, how's Cass doing?" I ask, turning this time to face him.

"Oh she's great! Told me to send her love to everyone, and I'm supposed to record your reaction to our birthday present for her. I wish I could say that I picked it out, but Cass came home one day back in like October and said she'd already found the perfect gift." He says visibly lighting up at the opportunity to talk about his wife. Jon and Cassie met in high school, and have been together ever since, therefore making them the purest relationship in existence. I cried too many tears at their wedding to own up to.

"Aww you'll have to tell her how much I miss her! I'm majorly bummed out that she couldn't come with us." I add as a forethought in my head that I'd happily trade Cassie for Sarah any day of the week without a seconds hesitation.

"As much as she loves you, she couldn't get out of her cousin's wedding. My only regret is that I won't be there to see how beautiful she's going to look in her bridesmaid dress, but I'm glad I came. She gave me explicit directions to shower you in enough love from both of us that it's like she's here too."

Ryan's hand has found it's way onto my leg, as he gives my knee a playful squeeze, and I look up to meet the teasing smirk he's giving me. Hearing Jon talk about Cassie is like a breath of fresh air, where the breeze carries the sweet scent of honeysuckle and wildflowers, and a lingering promise of hope, romance, and love at first sight. The way Jon and Cassie look at each other makes me believe in the possibility of soul mates. Even Dallon had stopped to listen to Jon, forgetting to glare at the passing cars and instead moving to stare pitifully at Ryan's hand on my leg. Feeling a little embarrassed under his sullen gaze, I shift in my seat so that Ryan's hand falls away and he has to place it back on the steering wheel. I spend the rest of the car ride staring out my own window, watching the rolling waves and likening them to the restless turmoil unfurling itself between the three of us.

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