Chapter 6

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Chapter 6-

Maybe it's a bit melodramatic of me to throw myself a pity party in my room just because Brendon brought home a girl, but aren't I entitled to my feelings and they way I deal with them? One would assume that any 23 year old girl is more than allowed to lock herself in her room and pout over the fact that her best friend has brought over yet another girl to parade and flaunt in front of me. And any girl is perfectly able to react however the hell she seems fit when the man she's secretly interested in and attracted to, brings another girl into their shared home and gives the other girl all of his attention. One would think all of these are true, but apparently Brendon Boyd Urie -ruler of the universe and boss of everything I do- thinks otherwise as he knocks on my door relentlessly in an effort to get me to unlock it.

"Tatum, come on. Don't you think you're being a little ridiculous?" he asks from the spot out in the hallway he took ransom about ten minutes ago.

"Oh I'm ridiculous? I'm not the one who's been secretly dating a girl that I've been hiding from my best friend for TWO WHOLE FUCKING MONTHS." I yell at my door, seething as I return to my earlier task of burying my face into my pillows to the brink of near asphyxiation.

"Oh come on, you know exactly why I had to hide her from you." He groans and I huff.

"What happened with Audrey isn't something for you to base my interactions with all of your girlfriends off of. I had a legitimate reason to hate Audrey, and I thought you understood that. I'm not some crazy lunatic who goes around and attacks people at leisure, Brendon. Okay? I'm a fucking human being." I shout, then once again slam my face back down into my pillows.

"I know you're a human being," He says and I can hear the irritation clear as day in his voice, which means that he's about had it with me and is trying to keep his cool. But I don't care if he's aggravated with me, I'm not exactly pleased with him either. And I'm currently in the habit of caring about my feelings before I am his. "Look, Tatum please just open the door so we can talk about this."
"We're talking about it just fine right now." I reply stubbornly. There's no way I'm opening that door.

"Well I want to talk about it face to face." He says, voice betraying that he's breaching his tolerance limit for what he believes to be my irrational behavior. God he acts like he's my boss or something.

"Yeah well I don't want to see your face right now." I snap, sticking my tongue out at the door, even though I know he can't see it. The simple gesture helps as I continue to feel like Brendon has committed the ultimate betrayal.

Whenever he and Audrey had started dating I already knew her. We had met the sleazy Scene Queen about 2 weeks before she sank her skanky little claws into Brendon. I could see Audrey for the greedy little snake she was from the moment I met her, but she let Brendon touch her boobs and he was young and well sex can have quite the hold on a person when they've suddenly gone from not having it at all to having it all the time. Brendon knew I wasn't a fan of Audrey and her antics, so Brendon tried his best to not bring her around me too often, but before we knew it the bitch was inviting herself along to band practices and band meetings and concerts and inviting herself onto the tour bus and then she had the audacity to invite herself along to stuff when Brendon and I would try to hang out just the two of us. It was when the wicked witch of the Hello Kitty fan club invited herself out to my birthday party and made a big show of complaining that Brendon didn't get her a present too, that I flipped my switch and become unglued. That was the first time I threatened Audrey and tried to attack her. My mission wasn't truly accomplished until a few months later at Brendon's cousins wedding.

But at least I knew about Audrey, and I knew what to expect. I've been completely bushwhacked by Sarah's very existence. Brendon intentionally kept me out of the loop and then didn't even have the decency to tell me his girlfriend was coming over until she was already standing in the doorway of our house. There were ample opportunities to tell me when we talked previously before I boarded my plane at JFK and when we talked before I boarded my connecting flight from Denver to LAX. Or I don't know maybe he could have told me when we were all standing around in the kitchen making small talk like ten minutes before she got here. God he's so stupid!

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