Chapter 5

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Chapter 5-

Once upon a time I met Brendon Urie while he was touring in my hometown of New York City. We spent a couple of days together, exploring the city and sharing shy smiles. I had told Brendon on one of our evenings out together, that there was a big difference between West Coast rich and East Coast rich -Oh if only I'd known I'd get to experience that difference firsthand.

The first big difference lies in the fact that the ocean on my right side is a perfect shade of turquoise the Hudson River could only dream of competing with. Another major difference is my obnoxious fire engine red Audi R8 Spyder that would have stood out like an eyesore in Manhattan, where sleek and sophisticated is the forum, but is a welcome commodity here in Santa Monica. But as I turn onto my street, I'm faced with the biggest change from moving all the way out to southern California; the absolutely stunning home I now share with the guys.

I park my car next to the others, and climb out with my multiple shopping bags and travel luggage. When I walk through the door armed with my goods, I can smell something emanating from the kitchen. Leaving my bags by the door I walk into the kitchen, surprised by its emptiness.

"Brendon! I'm home!" I yell, walking over to the stove to see what's cooking. Someone had the makings of chicken stir fry on the stove and an array of homemade sushi on cutting boards across the counter.

"I knew I smelled something funky." he teases entering the kitchen. Upon seeing him I lift my arms in anticipation as he picks me up and swings me around a few times.

"I knew you missed me! You can't lie to me, not even over the phone." I tease him as he puts me down, and I give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah keep telling yourself that." he taunts, and I stick my tongue out at him. "So how was New York?"

I begin to tell him about my week back home at my mother's when Spencer suddenly enters the kitchen and rushes over to sweep me into a gigantic brotherly hug. Brendon takes his cue to get out a couple of beers from the fridge, setting two for me and Spencer aside on the counter.

"Hello cutie, how was your trip? How's your mom?" he asks once he's released me.

"She's great, she sent her chili recipe for you by the way. I have it in my purse." I tell him, accepting the beer he offers me as he uncaps his own.

"Fantastic!" Spencer enthuses, eyes flashing with excitement. Last Christmas my mother had invited us all over for dinner, and had served her white chicken chili. Spencer was only two bites in before he became obsessed. Naturally after Spencer spent a solid 45 minutes gushing to my mother about her cooking, they bonded together like the mother and son she'd always dreamed of having. Since their moment of spiritual bonding they've both been pestering me- Spencer wanting every single one of my mother's recipes, and my mother trying to "inconspicuously" convince me to date that lovely Spencer boy. The recipes I can deliver, but as I meet Spencer's smiling blue eyes, I'm overwhelmed by the sisterly love I hold for him. Spencer will always be the closest thing I have to a brother. And I wouldn't dream of ruining that with something silly like romantic interest.

"What's fantastic?" Dallon asks coming around the corner from the living room, all dark tousled hair and adorable smile in a pair of sweatpants and a band tee. He takes an impassive glance around the room like he's not expecting the answer to be anything all that important, but visibly brightens when his eyes land on me. Cue gigantic grin and, "Oh! When did you get home?"

"Just a little bit ago. My bags are still in front of the door, actually." I say moving to set down my beer, when Dallon waves dismissively at me. The goofy grin he's still giving me makes my heart flutter for a few moments, so I look down at my feet and bite my lip.

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