Chapter 1

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“Oh come on out Lucy! Let me see those sexy curves of yours!” my best friend Vanessa yelled through my bathroom door.

“No! I look like a friggin whale!” I cry out.

“I highly doubt that babe, I’m sure you look completely perf.”

“That’s easy for you to say.”

Nessa is the cliché beautiful girl. Flawless pale skin, tiny waist, long blonde hair, and the biggest bluest eyes. You would wonder why a girl that beautiful would be friends with me. I question that every day. Besides her looks, she has the sweetest girl and the soul of a tiger. Whenever the “Barbies” and others at school would question our friendship or call me out of my name, she would tear the whole place down. It’s sweet of her to defend me, but this being senior year and us going our separate way for college; I need to learn to have a backbone.

“Well, here goes nothing,” I mumbled to myself as I walked out the door.

“OMG babe! You look beautiful! This is like the perfect outfit for first day of our senior year!”

Vanessa then felt the need to pull me towards the full length mirror and started posing next to me; she is so crazy.

Nessa decided that she wanted to pick out my outfit. And to my surprise, I was impressed. I had on a black and brown sleeveless peplum shirt with its straps crossing from each shoulder in the back, black calf-length leggings, and a pair of brown Laidea studded high heel sandals.

For the rest of the night, we went downstairs for a marathon of True Blood and giving each other facials, mani pedis, and flat-ironed our hair.

By the time we finished our pampering, I looked over to the clock and noticed that it was 10:30.  Vanessa was sleeping over so I didn’t have to call her in the morning (I’m her alarm clock -_- ).

Shutting my bedroom, we crawl into my bed and stare out of my window.

Right outside my window, you can see a house similar in build to mine. That house brings back old memories. Memories where I can look back and smile. And it’s all because of one little boy that hasn’t left my mind for years; my best friend.

Just thinking about him brings tears to my eyes. That beautiful little boy that said that he loved me and would never let me go. But who am I kidding? We were little kids, we didn’t know what love was. The day he left, we promised that we would write each other, but as soon as he started at his new school, he joined baseball, football, and started taking kiddie surfing lessons, or at least that’s what mom told me. I never got over the fact that he left me. I wonder if he felt the same way too…

“Luce? Lucy!” Nessa yelled snapping me out of whatever zone I was in.


“You haven’t heard anything I have been saying, have you?” she questioned.

“Um, no. Sorry?” I said giving her my perfect imitation of a puppy dog.

“Haha whatever. You better be glad that I love you. I asked you if you saw that light on in the next house? It’s in the bedroom right across from us.”

“ Well I guess someone moved in.” I said ignoring the slight tingle in the pit of my stomach. “Now stop talking, we have school in the morning.”

Turning over, I said my nightly prayers. I prayed that this year will go by fast and bless Nessa and I. I also asked God to protect me from the venomous wrath that I will surely endure from my fellow classmates. Sometimes I would just wonder why God didn’t bless me with a body like Nessa. She was beyond perfect…

Somewhere in between my pondering and my prayers, I fell asleep with a lingering voice I haven’t heard in years, in my ear; the voice of London on the day that he left.

“I will come back for you Lucy. I love you. And when we grow up, I will marry you.”

When I was younger, everything seemed possible. It seemed possible that London and I would be together forever and that would get married like we always said. It seemed possible that people would judge you for your character and not your appearance. But everything doesn’t seem so possible now, does it?

Hi! What do you think of it so far?

On the side is what I imagined Vanessa (Nessa) looks like.

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Oh! And follow me on instagram @april_nicole2016!

Love you!

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