Chapter 4

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“So what was that about?” Nessa asked as we made our way from class.

“What was what?” I asked meekly.

When Mr. Chandler released us, I ran like a bat outta hell with Nessa right on my heels. I didn’t want London to see me getting taunted as I made my way to first period.

“Oh ya know, that staring contest you had with the newbie? Speaking of which, he’s pretty cute! I swear if he ever tried talking to me, I would be on him like white on rice.” She giggled while bumping shoulders with me.

“Well, I can guarantee that we weren’t talking or anything. He was probably looking at you.” Nessa doesn’t know anything about my friendship with London, I’ve never told her.

“PUH-lease,” she brushed that thought off and we kept walking down the hall. “there’s something going on between you two and I’m gonna find out! Well, here’s my stop. Seeya at lunch bookie! LOL.” Flipping her perfect blond hair, she sashayed into her classroom.


Lol? Who the hell actually says “LOL?” that’s one crazy ass friend I have. But I love her.

Chuckling at that thought, I made my way onto Mr. Jones’ class for Calculus.

Today wasn’t that bad, except for that little mishap in homeroom and the fact that London came back. First it was the small things like people smiling at me, then there was Jace actually noticing me! Just thinking about him gives me little butterflies, chills running down my back, and blood rushing to my cheeks. He’s just so freaking hot!

But the downside for today and the rest of the year is that I’m gonna be harassed constantly by the students of this small narrow minded shell of a town. And what’s worst is that London will be here to witness it all. I don’t want him to see me like this, eyes with no shine and a gait not filled with confidence. I’m not the same carefree girl anymore. I wish that I could go back and live in the past.

All of these thoughts were just flowing through my ears. It didn’t even occur to me that there was someone walking right beside me until an arm covered my shoulders and a smooth deep voice filled my ears. Damn him for having such strong  toned muscle-y arms.

“Hey Luce,” London said. “where are you headed?”

“To Mr. Jones, can you let me go now?” I asked in a monotone voice.

“Why? I can’t walk with my wifey?” he asked with his face full of innocence.

“Because one I’m not your ‘wifey’ and two because I don’t want you too.” I know that I’m being childish but who cares?”

“Well I want to. I have Calculus for first period too! As for being my wifey. You are. You do remember what I promised right?”


“Oh I know you do.”

I will come back for you Lucy. I love you. And when we grow up, I will marry you.

“I’m gonna keep my promise and make it a reality Luce, I swear. Now let me escort my baby to class.”

“Please London, just get off me, I can walk by myself.”

Sadly, he didn’t let up.

I gave up and let him escort me.

I wanted him to not be around. It’ll save us twice the embarrassment. He wouldn’t see me getting bullied or made fun of and he wouldn’t get harassed for talking to the fat black girl. I remember seeing the look on his face at the beginning of homeroom. It seemed like forever ago, when in reality, it was like 20 minutes.

When I met his eyes, I was ashamed. I don’t know why. I guess it’s because I didn’t want the boy that had stolen my heart long ago see me at my worst.

Before we turned the corner onto the last hallway with our Calculus class at the end, I was starting to believe that we were safe from unwanted attention; I was sadly mistaken…

The popular crowd was just lounging around, like they didn’t have a class that they needed to attend. This crowd was just full of sluts, dumb kids with parents that are loaded, oh and they’re also racists.

The top slut/leader of the group, Mindy walked and made her way over to London and I.

“Hey sexy! What’s your name?” She tried to be seductive by rubbing her body against his left arm and whispering in his ear. I looked up and saw her slutty little friends egging her on.

London immediately dropped his arm off my shoulders. I suddenly felt cold and lonely. I didn’t want to dwell on the fact that his arms were full of safety, warmth, and comfort; I didn’t need any of that.

However, my heart skipped a beat when his hand reached down to intertwine our hands.

“My name is London but I can’t talk to you right now. If you’ll excuse me, we’ll by on our way.”

He began to pull us through the crowd of dumbies and sluts.

“Oh you don’t have time for me, but you’re making time for her, that black fatass bitch? Are you fucking blind? What does she have that I don’t? Look at me!” she screeched. “I’m hot and what is she? Just an ashy giant piece of shitty trash. Honey you can do better than her.”

She walked over to me and pushed me out of the way.

I decided that the best thing to do was to walk away. I’m not gonna even lie. That shit hurt. It was like a stab to my emotions and feelings. And what’s worse was that London didn’t even stand up for me or come after to check up on me.

I slowly walked down the hall with big drops of tears drip down my face. This place is complete torture.

Before I could take one more step, I heard shouting coming from behind. It was like slow motion as I was turning. After what seems like an eternity, I see London shouting in Mindy’s face.

“Who the fuck do you think you are? What makes you think that you have a right to talk to her that way? Sure you may be pretty but that doesn’t mean shit to me. You are so fucking shallow that you have feel the need to harass her for what? Lucy is the complete definition of beautiful. She has a huge heart of gold that extends out to people, even scum like you. Now you better get your filthy fucking hands off me and I better not her you badmouthing her again. As a matter a fact, I don’t even want to hear her name on your lips ever again. Get out of my way you fucking piece of trash.”  

My heart stopped. The whole world stopped.

I cannot believe that he said that. He stormed off and walked towards me looking me dead in the eye.

Once he reached arms-length, he pressed my back against the wall and caged me in between his arms.

“Baby, don’t cry.” He gently wrapped his arms around me and tucked my head in between his neck and shoulder. For once in my life, I felt loved and wanted by someone other than my parents. For some reason, it made me cry even harder; he held me the entire time.

London rubbed my back and murmured soothing words in my ear.

When I was out of tears, he stepped back a little, grasped my chin softly, and tilted my face toward his.

“Baby, you are so beautiful. So pure. So sweet. Gentle, kind, and loving. The epitome of beauty. Fuck what they have to say or think. Luce, I won’t let them get to you ever again, ok?”

My only response was to nod my head and wrap myself back into his warm embrace.

Hi! Sorry it took so long!

Ugh I was so pissed today! While I was writing, my computer just shut down and I had to write this from memory!

Anyway picture of Jace in his boxers on the side! ;)   --à


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