Chapter 5

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Five years later…


“Well, here are your keys Miss Ballantine. I hope you enjoy staying here. I already have your first and last month along with the security deposit. If you need any help or have questions, just call me, okay?”

Nodding my head, I walked my landlord, Kevin, to the door, promising him that I will call if I needed help. Once he left, I walked around my brand new apartment. This place was heaven sent. It looks like a four star condo and it was completely in my budget range; I was totally happy. Coming back into the living room after surveying the area, I decided to get a move on and unpack my things.

Two hours later, my bed, television/entertainment system, dresser, and nightstands were set up. Next, I chose to call the movers, to pick up my living room and kitchen set from Aarons. The head mover said that they’ll be over in an hour, so in the mean time I went to unpack my clothes.

“Geez, I didn’t know I had all of these clothes?!” in college, when I wasn’t in class or working, I was experimenting in the designer field. Most girls and guys didn’t want to be around me, or unless I was in the gym because they wanted to motivate me to be healthy. They started to piss me off so I just brought some Zumba tapes and worked out alone in my room.

In the past years, after I left that hellhole of a high school or more like town, I’ve lost a great amount of weight. I dropped down from size 20 to a solid 14. Some, no, most people say that it’s not a great deal of change but it is for me. For once, I actually like how I look.

I hung up my dresses, skirts, pants, and dressy tops, then folded my tee shirts to place in my dressers along with my undies, socks, and bras. The clock said that the movers will be here in 20 minutes so I just decided to stock my shoes in a box and place it in the closet and make a pot of tea.

The coffee slid down my throat soothingly and gave me the serenity that I definitely needed. I just graduated from college last week, only to move to a different state to start a job the next week. All of this is rushed. But, the sooner I leave that Godforsaken town, the better.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t hear the movers until they called my phone. I hurried to the door and apologized, letting them in.

“Would you guys like any coffee?” All four movers nodded in reply and graciously took their cups of coffee.

“Miss Ballantine, the full length mirror you ordered wasn’t in Aarons at the time, but the store manager said that it’ll be in tomorrow. Would you like for me to bring here? It wouldn’t be out of my way.”

“Sure thanks,” I replied. This guy must be the head mover. I lifted my gaze and took in his appearance. He was quite decent looking. Tall, tan, and dirty blonde hair; his nametag said that his name was Cody. “That’s very nice of you Cody.”

“It’s my pleasure ma’am,” he gently lifted my hand only to kiss it. “I guess it’s time for us to go.” The other guys headed out of the door as I walked Cody out. “I’ll be back tomorrow, same time.”

“I’ll be here.” I laughed as I watched him smile.

“Good evening, Miss Ballantine.” He winked and walked down the hallway. After he was gone, I shut the door, feeling butterflies in my stomach. I immediately recoiled. I knew what would happen next, I would fall for the guy, only for him to be this controlling manipulative bastard. Just like him, Jace.

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