Chapter 8

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The next few weeks have been okay. I mean other than London glancing at me every now and then or Sarah, the nasty skank, who I also came to know as Mr. Livingston’s daughter giving me the stink eye every time she walks past me.

Livingston is a great boss. He always insists that London and I have lunch with him to go over major details involving the company. When he told me about his deceased wife and Sarah being his only child, I could easily tell that he was lonely and was in need of a social life. I felt bad for him. I made it my duty to meet him at his car in the morning and we would walk up to the offices together and I even invite him over to my apartment a few times a week for dinner and a movie. There’s nothing romantic about it, I just picture him as another father to me.

“Lucy darling come on in!” Livingston looked super jolly today and that automatically put a smile on my face. I’ve already ordered our lunch and London went to pick it up, he should be back soon.” I hugged him and sat down next to him.

“That’s great. So may I ask why you are excited today?” I also noticed that his coughing has cleared up which makes me extremely happy.

“Sarah came home from her date last night with London.” Although I kept a straight face, a pint size amount of jealously filled me from the inside out. “When she came home, she had this look on her face. It looked as if London really makes her happy. And when she’s happy, I’m happy.”

“Oh, that’s good!” My fake voice convinced him well enough and I hope that he drops this subject; he does.

“So are you busy tonight? If not, why don’t I come over? This is the End just came out on DVD and I remember you were telling me how you wanted to see it. So how ‘bout it?” I chuckled at his hopeful expression and invited him over to my apartment.

“Hey Livingston, they ran out of banana crème so I got some apple cobbler for you.” London walked in with our lunches and kicked the door shut softly. Our eyes linked immediately. He held my gaze for at least five seconds. It took so much strength to pull away from his stare.

We all sat down and had light conversation throughout our meal. “So London, what how exactly did you enchant my daughter? She came home last night a beautiful smile on her face.” Oh my, here we go again.

“Well, I took her to that new restaurant down town.”  Jealously reared its ugly head again along with sadness and gripped my heart. “And then I took her dancing.” His eyes met mine again and he caught his breath.

I keep telling myself that London will definitely have a place in my heart as an old friend and colleague. But its times like this that I wish things would have gone different. He would woo me by taking me to these romantic places. That it would be he would pick up and take to dinner. It would be me he would hold onto as the slow gentle music caress our ears.

As much as I don’t like to admit it, it’s my entire fault. I’m the one that pushed him away back in high school and I’ve pushed him away now. I swear every time I see Sarah come into the office searching for London and giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek, I just want to throw her into a school of piranhas and place myself in his arms.

“If you keep it up, you’re gonna have Sarah all to yourself my dear boy.” Livingston’s cackling masked my whimper. Whimper? What the fuck? “Well Lucy and I have a little thing tonight. I’m bringing over movies and some games. You’re welcome to join us, if that’s alright with you, Lucy?” I nodded since my throat was squeezed shut. “Good. I know Sarah is going to see her aunt upstate and I didn’t want you to be alone.”

“Thanks for inviting me,” His eyes met mine once again and for once, they weren’t filled with sadness but hope and longing.


“Hey guys, come on in.” London and Livingston came in carrying pizza, movies, and games. It looked like we’d be preoccupied the entire night; Livingston must’ve been really lonely.

At around 8:30 we started playing Monopoly and Sorry. And as childish the games were, we still had a great time. “Let’s go again!” Livingston was pouting at the fact that he came in 3rd place. London and I high-fived and laughed at the older man’s attitude.

Despite the anxiety that I had before about London coming over, tonight has been going really well. There was a tiny bit of awkwardness when I had no choice but to sit down in between the two men when we started the movie. It slowly went away when we both laughed at the funny situations the guys in the movie got into. There were parts of the movie was so funny that London and I laughed so hard, we ended up falling on each other. Our gazes locked again and smiled genuinely.

It was as if we were children again. This could have been us back in high school but of course I had to cast him aside. For the remainder of the movie, London threw his arm over my shoulders and I snuggled in deeper. This felt right; so right that I was seriously contemplating on becoming more than friends again, to just pick up where we left off in high school. But this time, I’ll let him in.

Once the movie was over, I headed into the kitchen to pour a few glasses of wine and London followed me. “Thanks for letting me come over tonight, it’s been fun.” He smiled at me as I poured the drinks and handed him a glass.

“No problem, I’m glad you came. Really.” I return his smile and pat him on the shoulder. I was headed back to the living area to give Livingston his glass but London blocked me.

“I want to do and ask you something. I don’t want to do it in front of Livingston because he’ll just laugh and taunt us.” He licked his lips and blushed. It was adorable, so I decided to humor him.

“Sure go ahead and do your thing.” I was genuinely surprised when he asked for my number and put it in his phone.

“I’ve really missed you Luce, I missed us. I want things to go back the way they used to be.” He slipped his phone into his back pocket and took a step closer to me. Without breaking eye contact. London sat his drink on the counter and took the awaiting glasses out of mine and placed them on the counter top as well. His eyes became heated as he watched me.

“Don’t be angry, please.” He stepped so close to me that his chest was against mine.

“Angry about w—“ Before I could get my question out, London’s lips crashed against mine. I didn’t move my lips at first out of shock. But London softly coaxed them into moving. His strong but gentle arms wrapped around me, bringing us impossibly close.

We pulled back for air and I caressed his face. I have him, I have my London.


Livingston kept on insisting that we play one more round but London said that he better head home. I walked both of the men to the door and gave both of them hugs. London had to be different and grab my butt and I chuckled in response.

I opened the door to let them out and I was shocked at who was standing on the other side with their hand raised in a fist to knock.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2014 ⏰

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