Chapter 6

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***Hi! Here's a new chapter! Picture on the side of the older London! -->***

One week later


It seemed as if it took me all of last week to finally move in. The manager at the Aaron’s store said that the mirror they received was the wrong one so they got another which was broken. It took them nearly 3 days to get the mirror I requested so they gave me a brand new TV stand as condolences. Over a freaking mirror? No matter, my new conquest is surviving my first day at Livingstone Inc. Geez, it feels like my first day of high school and college again.

The ride to the corporation was way shorter than I expected, which took me by surprise.

Once I found my permanent parking spot, Staff manager/Administrative Assistant, Lucille Ballantine, I jumped out of the car and run up the building’s stairs. There was an elderly woman sitting at the front desk cringing at my arrival. I never knew older people could be so snooty and evil. Feeling nauseated like I was in high school, I walked up to her and asked which floor Mr. Livingston office was held. Rolling her eyes, she pointed her shaky wrinkled finger towards the elevator and said the 24th floor before dismissing me to answer a phone call.

No one else was on the elevator; I sigh in relief and checked my phone for any missed messages while the elevator made its way up. There was one from Cody. Over the past week, Cody and I have gotten closer. We are only friends but he keeps giving off vibes that he wants something more, which is weird because I just met the man. Other than that, he’s great to be around.

                Hey there, dinner at 7? I’ll pick you up, whaddya say?

By the time I agreed to our little get together, the elevator stopped at floor 20. An elderly man stepped on, smiled at me, and stood by while the elevator ascended. At least he’s not one of those snooty old people like the lady I just encountered.

“Hello dear, how are you?” The man held out his hand and gave me a genuine smile. He looked as if he was dressed to impress but his body build looks as if he’s worn down; poor fellow.

“To be honest, I’m kind of nervous! This is my first day and I really want to prove myself to this company. Hopefully they’ll be able to say that they’ve made a great investment in me. Other than that, I’m just peachy!” I chuckled as the man gave a throaty laugh that ended in slight coughs. I reached into my purse and handed him a little packet of tissues.

“Thank you Dearie, it’ll be great seeing you around the office…” Just as soon as he got on the elevator, he got off. That’s when I realized that I have reached my final destination. Floor 24. Livingston, Inc. I pushed back my shoulders, took a deep breath, and walked out with my head held high. You got this Luce, you can do it.





“Welcome to Livingston, Inc. Miss Ballantine. I am your assistant, Jessica. It’s very nice to meet you. I’ll show you your desk. I have taken the liberty to organize your things and installed the programs that are necessary on your computer. Oh! After you get settled in, Mr. Livingston would like to see you in his office for orientation.” She walked with a fast pace and I practically ran to follow her. She is so beautiful. Nice skin and a thin figure. Someone that would perfect on London’s shoulder. Why am I still thinking of him? It’s been five years…

“Thank you so much Jessica, I’ll call for you if I have any questions.” When she left I draped my cardigan over the back of my chair and placed my purse in one of the empty drawers. Powering up my Mac, I saw a few people pass my desk smiling and nodding their heads. I’m not sure if they’re being nice because they genuinely are or because I’m like their supervisor. I just smile and wave back before I register and sign into the downloaded programs and checked my email. The only thing in the email was a pre-programmed email sent to every new employee welcoming them to the company. Logging off my email, I stood up and mentally prepared myself to meet my employer.

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