Chapter 4

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I bolted out of bed, terrified out of my mind. The dream, it felt so real. I walked out my room and wandered down the hallway. I felt dizzy, almost as if I wanted to throw up. I lent against the wall. What's going on with me? I hissed as I slipped to the floor in agony. The pain was almost unbearable.

It was becoming hard to breathe, it especially hurt where my ribs were broken. I screamed as it grew even worse. I only knew of one person who could help me: Tony.

"TONY!" I screamed through the tower. I heard running footsteps and suddenly Steve was in front of me. He lent down to grab me but I tried to bite him. I don't care if I'm probably dying, Steve was the last one I wanted help from.

"Tony please! Help me!" I screamed out again. I felt like I was going to die, it was the end of the line for me.

Tony appeared in my line of vision. He immediately bent down and cradled me in his arms. The one called Bruce also appeared. He knelt down and Tony let him look at me.

"It's her ribs, they've punctured into her lung. We need to get her in to surgery now! " Bruce yelled standing up. Tony got up as well and ran down the hall with me.

I looked over into Steve's worried eyes, and that's the last thing I saw before darkness consumed my world.

(Steve's p.o.v)

It all happened so fast, Charlotte had been screaming for help. Of course she had denied my help and only wanted Tony's help. My heart had sank a little at that. Charlotte was a beautiful girl after all.

My job was to protect her at all times. How could I do that when she didn't even want my help? She wanted Tony and totally had denied my help.

I sat outside of the operating room in the tower as Bruce tried to fix her punctured lung. I growled at the thought of her in pain. An arm wrapped around my shoulders from behind me.

"She'll be fine Steve, she's a tough cookie. " Tony said. I could only sigh, she was tough, she had no idea how tough she was.

"Tony, how can I protect her when the time comes?" I asked concerned. Tony gave a light laugh at my question.

"in case you forgot you're Captain America, Steve." Tony said patting my shoulder.

"That doesn't mean I can protect her." I said looking down. Tony only snorted before heading back upstairs to his floor.

I sighed sadly before sitting down on a chair, waiting for her surgery to be done.

(Charlotte's p.o.v)

Drowsiness was the first feeling that hit me as I opened my eyes. Where the hell was I? My surroundings looked like a hospital room. The memory came back to me, I had begged for Tony to be by my side. I felt bad that I had denied Steve but I felt something around him that I couldn't explain.

"Thank god you're awake, I was beginning to think 8 have you to much pain killers. " I looked beside me and Bruce stood there with a smile. I couldn't help but smile back at the kind man.

"What happened to me?" I asked quietly.

"A rib had punctured your lung. Thankfully I got to you just in time." He said with some relief in his voice.

"Thank you Bruce." I whispered. He only gave me a nod in recognition. I could tell he was shy, he didn't really like a lot of attention on him at once. For such a kind man he had a terrible past. He turned out to be good and went against what everyone else had said about him.

"You'll be able to go back to your room to rest as soon as Tony gets down here." Bruce said. I breathed a sigh of relief, at least it wasn't Steve coming to get me. Tony came through the door not shortly after.

"Come on buttercup, lets get up to your room shall we? " Tony asked with a smile.

I smiled and nodded, grateful.


"Charlotte we have a meeting to go to, if you leave this tower I will be very angry. We won't be long." I sat on the couch as Steve said these words to me that had no real meaning to me. Its been two days since my surgery, and to say I healed fast was an underestimate. I healed fast from it, I don't even feel it anymore really.

"Sure Steve whatever you say." I said with sass. He sighed and walked away with the rest of the Avengers. Once they were driving off I got up and headed to the elevator.

"Jarvis take me down to ground level please. " I commanded. He did so without a word. I can finally get out of here now. I walked into Tony's garage where he promised me my truck would be, fully restored.

There he was in all his beauty, fully repaired. I almost cried with joy but I held it in. I grabbed the keys and literally ran over to it. I started it up and flew out of the underground garage.

Well I'm once again on my own, no Steve, and no Avengers to stop me.

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