Chapter 11

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(Charlotte's p.o.v)

New York was in utter chaos.

Loki stood on Stark tower, looking over his army that attacked. My stomach turned in distaste, there was no reason to bring hell upon these people.

Jarvis brought the quinjet down a few blocks away from where Loki was raining hell onto the city. This was it, this was really it. The air around me was stale and the scent of blood was in the air.

The collar Loki had made me was in my hand, I clipped it on. In order to speak to him in my other form I need it.

I shifted, enjoying the feeling it brought upon me. The chitari swarmed around but I ran towards Stark tower.

About a block away I slammed into a solid wall, only it wasn't a wall but a leg. I looked up and was met with the sight of Iron Man, Tony. My shoulders sagged in relief that it wasn't Steve.

"Tony get me to the top of Stark tower, now please." I said with authority in my voice.

"Of course, Luna. Just keep this between us. " Tony said before leaning down. I jumped into his arms, while his wrapped around me and held me tight.

We blasted into the sky, I almost fell out of Tony's arms but he gripped me tightly. I was gently dropped onto the roof of Stark tower, Loki was no where in sight.

Tony flew off, leaving me to do this without help. I didn't really need help, but I know Steve will flip shit when he finds out.

My instincts alerted me Loki was inside, I growled at the thought of seeing him again. I ran through the sliding door that was on Tony's landing pad. Loki stood right in front of me, like he was expecting my presence. A smirk was in place on his face, while what they call the tesseract was in his hand.

"Ah, Charlotte, I knew you'd come back to me." Loki said, eyeing me up. I snapped my jaws at him, in a threatening way. My wolf was telling me not to back down, make myself seem bigger, more threatening.

"Your Luna side is showing I see, that Alpha of yours sure has had an affect on you."

That's what I was now, a Luna.

"You may not know this, but you alone can control the elements. That's why I need you my dear Charlotte, to take this world. Kill that Alpha of yours off and mate to me." Loki said, with a sick grin. I felt sick and depressed at the thought of ever killing Steve. It's hard to be away from him.

"You only want my power, I'd rather die then be with you!" I yelled at him. Loki's eyes flashed dangerously, in challenge.

"So be it."

Loki lunged.

Many things happened at that moment.

A blonde wolf burst though the elevator, Steve.

Tony burst through the window, his repulsor up and ready to shoot.

A dark brown wolf came around the corner, a smile quirked on my lips, it was Clint.

Loki never got his hands on me, Steve had him down before I could even step back. Clint ran over to me, trying to lead me away from the scene, but he was nuts if he thought I was gonna leave Steve with Loki, even if Tony was here as well.

I growled at Clint, his head bowed in submission while he whimpered. Tony was battling chitari, clearly not able to help Steve.

Steve was strong, but Loki was a God.

Steve was loosing, Loki had him on his back with his hands around his neck squeezing the life out of him. My heart hurt from just seeing it happen, but most of all, anger flew through my veins.

Loki mentioned I can control the elements, that's why he needed me.


I focused on water.

I shut my eyes, and water seemed to flow through my veins, cooling my anger, and calming me.

I held my paw up, water flew out of it with such force it knocked Loki off of Steve and slammed him into the wall.

I put my paw down in shock, before howling with excitement. I can really control the elements!

My happiness was short lived when Loki fired a blast in my direction from the tesseract.

Two could play at that game.

I pushed my power further, having water fly up from the sinks in the tower and I practically drowned Loki.

Steve was now shifted back to normal, taking Loki on hand to hand. Steve looked to have the situation under control so I ran back outside onto the landing pad.

Tony flew by me, a nuke in his hands and he was guiding it toward the worm hole.

My heart stopped. There's no way this ends well.

"Tony no!" I screamed, my Luna authority coming into place.

Tony kept going and disappeared into the hole.

I collapsed, my body shaking as I felt pain in my heart. Tony is gonna die, there's no way he can survive.

Natasha closed the hole, but a flash of gold as red caught my attention, Tony.

Before I realized what I was doing, I jumped off of the tower.

Water once again took over my veins and I managed to wrap Tony's falling body in it, like a protective shield. I managed to get Tony safetly below me and on the ground.

Of course there's one problem.

I forgot about myself.

Pain erupted in my body like I was set on fire, I slammed into a car that had been parked on the street.

My ribs felt like they had been squished between a crusher. I howled out and was able to painfully shift back to human.

Tony ran up beside me, now out of the armour.




Tony looked so heartbroken. As if someone had ripped the world from his hands. I haven't known Tony long, but I know deep down inside he's one of the best things that has ever happened to me, the whole team was definitely the best impact on my life.

Steve came running through the team to get to me. He was sweaty, dirty, and even bloody.

"Charlotte, what were you thinking?" Steve whispered as he gently took my body off the car. I let out a silent scream at the pain.

My body was slowly lowered to the ground, where Bruce came running over to me.

He dropped to his knees next to me, examining the damage to my body. I couldn't even feel the pain anymore, my whole body was numb.

"Steve shift and lick her wounds, only your saliva can save her from dying." Bruce said. I wanted to throw up, Steve had to lick me? Ugh, my wolf was excited at that while I was disturbed.

Steve shifted, his bright blonde wolf once again presented in front of me. His tounge darted out, licking where the bones were broken, or where I was bleeding to death.

"The saliva of an alpha can heal, just relax Luna." Tony said to me. He put my head in his lap and gently ran his fingers through my hair.

I hate to admit it but Steve's tounge felt nice, I could feel me wounds healing at his touch.

Bruce appeared back in my vision, a syringe in hand.

"Just relax Luna, this will put you to sleep for safe transport." Bruce explained.

Of course I didn't even get to reply before the needle was in my neck and blackness took over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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