Chapter 8

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(Charlotte's p.o.v)

My lungs burned.

When I opened my eyes all I could see was dark black smoke.

I stood up on my shaky legs, looking at the quinjet that had crashed in the middle of the woods. The first person I noticed was Loki, he was clearly knocked out, which I was thankful for. Natasha and Clint were thrown over each other, also knocked out. Tony and Steve were no where to be seen, which was slightly worrying.

I sniffed the air to see if I could smell Steve, but all I could smell was the thick smoke. This seemed to be my chance to go back to Loki's hideout and free my mother. My collar, which Loki has given me had a GPS, and I knew the address of Loki's little hiding spot.

I set it by speaking, my mother needed me. Slowly, and on wobbly legs, I ran in the direction the GPS told me to. Leaving behind my supposed mate and the person who has ruined everything.

(Steve's p.o.v)

What awoke me was the arguing of Tony and Natasha. My body ached from the fall, and my wolf itched for our mate's comfort. My eyes shot open when I didn't smell her, her scent was very dull, she left here hours ago. Where the hell could she have went?

Fire and ash, as well as the remains of the plane, surrounded everything that was near. However, I wasn't worried about the plane, only that Charlotte was still here and my nose was tricking me into believing she was gone.

"Finally Steve, I thought you were going to be sleeping this whole time. I wasn't sure if you were dead or not." Tony said approaching me once he noticed my eyes were open. I slowly stood up to speak to him.

"Where's Charlotte Tony? Did you see her at all. " I asked him desperately.

"No Steve, no one seen her. She could be lying here dead somewhere, and we don't have time to search for her." Tony said with a look of sadness on his face.

"Last time I checked Tony I was in charge, not you. This is my mate we are speaking about, she could be lost or looking for us" I said.

"These are not my orders Steve, nor is it my choice to leave her behind, if she even is here. Fury has a new plane on the way now. We are to load Loki and return to the helicarrier. With or without Charlotte." Tony said, he walked away from me to return to where Natasha was standing.

I didn't want to leave Charlotte here, neither did my wolf. Fury will kill me if I don't help save the world or whatever this even is. A roaring sound came from the sky and a new quinjet landed before us.

The backdoor opened and Fury stepped out before us.

"Get in the quinjet, we have a world to help save." Fury announced.

I slowly left the crash scene and loaded up on the quinjet with the rest of the Avengers and Loki.

"You see that Captain, Charlotte doesn't really love you. She actually despises you, she hates all of you." Loki said. To be honest, whatever Loki says I just completely ignore. My wolf will find her once this is all over, or whenever the chance arises.

Where ever she may be, I hope she is safe.

(Charlotte's p.o.v)

My mom stood before me, in her wolf form of course, with the same collar I had on. The look of disappointment on her face made me rethink my choice to come back here.

"Charlotte what the hell are you doing here!? Not only did you disobey me but you've risked your own life when you should be with Steve." My mother said with a snarl on her face.

"How do you know about Steve?" I asked her.

"I knew he was your mate, back when he was a young male he could sense that his mate would come from our bloodline. I knew it wasn't me, so my guts told me it was you. After your father died I made it my mission to get you to safety." My mother said a flash of hurt went across her face.

"Since Steve was only recently found in the ice, as soon as I heard the news I sent you to go be with him. You would not realize he was your mate, not until your first shift." she said smiling slightly. I was shocked that my mother knew this whole time and sent me away to go be with him.

"I can't go back to him."

My mother gave me a long gaze, thinking of what words to say. I was pretty much rejecting him by not returning. I know Steve would search until the ends of the Earth until he found me, but I just can't face him, not now.

"Charlotte you need him, go return back to your mate and I will go off on my own and seek shelter." My mother said, ordering me to return back.

"Now go, and this time don't come back."

That's all it took for me to run back to the crash site, leaving my mother on her own.

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