Chapter 9

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(Charlotte's p.o.v)

Upon returning to the crash site there was no one there except what looked to be people in uniforms. They were cleaning up the wreckedge, I was about to turn away and head off but one agent noticed me.

"Hey! There's Steve's mate!" the guy said, which got everyone's attention on me. I didn't know what to do, so I just sat their dumbly while the agents approached me.

"Steve has been looking for her everywhere. We have orders to bring her back to him." the agent said, reaching out to pet my snout. I let him, his gloved hand was ice cold againsy my hot body. Someone clipped a leash to the collar that Loki had put on me. To be honest, I don't know if I'm ready to truly face Steve just yet, but my mother's words echoed in my mind. If this truly was my destiny, to be with him, then everything will be alright I suppose.

What looked to be a little plane thing, landed in front of us, which the agent who was holding my leash led me towards. The leash was hooked to the side of a bar when we boarded the plane. My anxiety was eating me alive when the plane started to lift off the ground. This is really it I guess, it is truly time to face reality.


The plane landed on the helicarrier, which woke me up from the nap I was taking. I stretched as the agent holding me gently pulled me towards the planes door. There was no turning back now.

"The Captain is already outside waiting for her. He will take her from you." an agent said from the front of the plane. I gulped in fear as we walked off the plane.

I kept my head down when I smelt the delicious smell of Steve. His feet appeared in my line of sight, I didn't dare even acknowledge his presence.

"Here is your mate, sir. She was found returning to the crash sight, alone. No harm done to her." The agent said. The leash was handed over to Steve, who gently pulled me to his side.

"Thank you, agent." Steve said, his voice ran chills down my spine. The agent walked away, leaving me and Steve alone outside.

"Charlotte I can't even express how angry I am with you, but all I care about is your safety." Steve said. My head dipped in shame at his words, I was only dong what I thought was right at the time.

"Not only did you endanger the team but yourself as well. If you had died Charlotte then my wolf would have died along with you." Steve said with a disapproving look. I felt my ears droop down, and I actually felt bad.

"Can you please take this collar off of me?" I asked. Steve noticed it around my neck, then leaned down and took it off. I felt myself relax when his hands were on me, but I quickly shook off the feeling.

I shifted back to my human form, but was completely naked. Steve's cheeks reddened and his eyes turned completely black, white his mouth was in a snarl as other men stared at me.


My body was slammed against his as he snarled like an animal at the other males in the room. They quickly ran away at the sight of an alpha growling at them. I pushed him away slightly when they left.

"Steve snap out of it I'm going to shower, I feel disgusting." I completely removed myself from his arms and skipped down the hall butt ass naked to go shower.

Truth is I have no idea where I am, so I stopped in the middle of the hallway with many males surronding me.

"Oh hey there guys.." I said sheepishly.

"Hey baby wanna come to me room and have some fun, make some pups?" an agent approached me with a sick grin on his face. He grabbed a hold of me and was feeling me up against my will.

"Get off of me you sick son of a bitch!" I yelled so loud my throat hurt.

A loud roar ripped through the hallway, making everyone freeze. That definetly wasn't Steve. I dared to turn my head in the direction the sound came from and saw Tony before us, his eyes all black and claws forming on his hands.

So my assumption is the whole entire Avengers team are fucking werewolves? I'm so done right now, but grateful at the same time.

"Get your paws off of her before I rip you to shreds!" Tony yelled, growling at everyone and ready to snap.

The guy with his arms around me slowly let go before running off with the rest of the agents down the hall.

Tony approached me, he put his hands on me, checking for any wounds. I felt weird but he seemed to know what he was doing.

"Did they hurt you Luna?" Tony asked with concern in his eyes.

Luna? The hell is going on?

I never got the chance to answer, Tony was ripped away and slammed against the wall so hard that I thought he was dead.

"Never ever out your hands on what's mine! Do you hear me beta?" Steve said with a growl. So Tony Was The second in command, that means Steve must have a pack.

"I understand alpha...."

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