Chapter 10

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(Charlotte's p.o.v)

I stood there shocked, not only because of Steve's actions but because Tony submitted to his commands and didn't even fight back. To be honest, I'm concerned, Tony, as long as I've known him, has never backed down off of Steve. Anger welled up inside of me, how can Steve be such an ass at this time?

I stormed over to Steve and shoved him as hard as I could, his body didn't move but I still gave it my best shot.

"Steve what the actual hell?! Don't you dare touch Tony again or you'll seriously regret it!" I yelled in his face, a growl ripping out of my mouth. Did I care that I was still naked through all this? Nope cause my body is beautiful baby.

Tony looked up at me, and for once in my life so far, all I could see is pure fear in his eyes, fear of what?

Steve let out a huge growl, and his claws came out.

Oh, maybe that's what he's afraid of. I won't back down, he had no right to put his hands on Tony.

"Don't you ever protect another man, he is not yours!" Steve yelled like an animal at me. I growled at him, biting back the snarl that threatened to come across my face.

"You don't own me Steve, snap out of whatever trance you are in. In fact I'm leaving now, and Tony come on you're coming with me." I said, turning my back on Steve.

Tony looked scared to follow but slowly got up and headed my way. Was Steve gonna let that happen? Of course not.

Tony screamed out in pain, as he was slammed against the wall with Steve pressed tight against him. He was growling and snapping in his face.

My wolf inside me growled, and I was about to rip his face off.

"Steve relaease him now!" I screamed at him. To my surprise, Steve actually relaeased Tony. Tony hit the floor and crawled over to where I was standing. He didn't dare look up at me or Steve. I felt bad for him, Tony is like my brother and Steve just had to go act like an ass.

"C'mon Tony, let Steve get over his little temper tantrum." I said. Steve glared at me, but that animalistic look was gone from his eyes.

"Tony help her get dressed, make sure no other male looks at her." Steve ordered. Tony nodded as he stood up. Tony led the way, taking me to what looked like an extra clothes room.

He handed me a bra, thong, yoga pants, boots, and a nice comfy blue sweatshirt. Being dressed made me feel a bit better, not that I really care if people see me naked.

"May I get you anything bg else Luna?" Tony asked me. I felt like shaking him, telling him to snap out of this trance he is in. It scares me seeing so submissive to me, and I don't like it.

"No Tony I'm-" I never got to finish due to the loud speaker coming on.

"Avengers Assemble! Loki is attacking New York." Nick screamed over the intercom.

My blood ran cold at just hearing his name. My wolf growled inside my head, wanting to rip his head off.

"Luna you must stay here, it dangerous." Tony said before he scampered off to join the others.


Hunny, that's my middle name.

I ran down the halls, towards the planes that could get me to New York. Many agents stared at me as I ran past, but running in human form did me no good. I jumped and shifted in mid air before continuing on runinng to get outside.

When I finally reached the outside, I was almost blown over from all the wind. My heart was racing, I really don't wanna face Loki, but this is my fight.

I shifted back, thankfully clothed this time. A quinjet was available, so I ran into it, thankfully it was empty.

Sitting in the drivers seat made me even more nervous.

"Jarvis, fly me to where Loki is attacking please and turn off all tracking devices." I ordered.

"Of course, estimated arrival time is thirty minutes." he replied.

The hatchback closed and we were off. I know Steve is gonna kill me, but I have to do this. You never know, Loki could've gone back and got my mother and this whole thing could be a huge ass trap.

I guess I'll just have to find out ...

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