It comes out tomorrow!!!!!

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Mockingjay part 2 comes out tomorrow!!

Let me just say that after I watched Mockingjay part 1 I thought it was going to be forever until Mockingjay part 2 came out.
And it did seen like a long time for a while, but then school started, and so many distractions came and went.
But it's almost here, just 1 more day!
I honestly want to see the movie SO bad, but there's also this part if me that doesn't want to see it, until I'm positive that their going to make more movies.
But that's not stopping me, I'm going to go see the movie next Saturday!!! 😱😁

Also I know that in some places it came out today, so if you did go see it I hope you enjoyed it, no spoilers please!! 😊

There's so much else I want to say, but I think I just need to say bye and have a nice day!! 💛💛💛💛💛

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