Hunger Games Quiz

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This is a quiz to find out how long you would survive in the Hunger Games.
Please be honest when choosing your answers.

1.) Read the question(Omg duhhh)
2.) Read the answers and keep track of the letter you choose. (Answer honestly)
3.) Once you are finished answering the questions, look at your result.
4.) Comment your answer.

Question 1.)
You've just been chosen to be in The Hunger Games. How do you react?

A.) Hold in the tears and stay strong.
B.) Cry your eyes out in hopes they'll feel bad for you.
C.) Smile big and be happy to represent your district.

Question 2.) Interview time!
What's your personality?

A.) Charming and good with words.
B.) Shy and afraid.
C.) Cocky and sassy.

Question 3.) This is it, you've just been put into the arena.
What do you do?

A.) Quickly survey your surroundings and run towards the woods.
B.) Run towards the woods crying.
C.) YOLO, run to the cornucopia.

Question 4.) Weapons are out in front of you. Which one do you choose?

A.) Whichever weapon I'm skilled at.
B.) Idk a knife maybe.
C.) Who needs a weapon when you have as much muscle as me?

Question 5.)You don't have any food.
What do you do?

A.) Figure out a way to make a trap.
B.) Look for berries and/or nuts.
C.) Steal some.

Question 6.) It's night time, you've survived one day in the arena.
How and where do you sleep?

A.) Climb into a tree and only allow yourself to doze.
B.) Sleep? You don't sleep because your too scared.
C.) Walk to the cornucopia and sleep in it.

Question 7.) You've woken up to a shrill scream.
What do you do?

A.) Stay in the tree and camouflage yourself.
B.) Hide and bite your tongue so you don't scream.
C.) Nothing because you don't care.

Question 8.)You were looking for food when another tribute spots you.
What do you do?

A.) Run as fast as you can because you don't have any weapons.
B.) Scream and run, but end up tripping over a branch because you can't see from the tears running down your face.
C.) Run towards the tribute because even though you don't have any weapons you can take them with your hands.

Question 9.) A tribute asks to be your ally(idk if I spelled that right😂)
What do you say?

A.) You say yes but you keep your guard up at all times.
B.) You say yes out of desperation.
C.) Say no because you don't need them.

Question 10.) Your ally gets killed.
How do you react?

A.) You miss them but you have to go on so you can survive.
B.) You cry your eyes out.
C.) What ally?

Quiz results.

If you chose mostly A's then you lasted until the end. Hey new victor!

If you chose mostly B's then you lasted about 2 or 3 days. Good job!

If you chose mostly C's then you lasted about 25 seconds. Ig you shouldn't have ran to the cornucopia.

Authors Note

Well I lasted about 2 or 3 days. 😂😂


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