Chapter 1

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One day Star Bright (A/N yes that's the girl's name her mother had a sense of humor and loved the show Star Bright. And with her last name Bright she just had to.) had Black Veil Brides tickets and went to the concert without anyone. Star had a very abusive ex-boyfriend that she was trying to get away from but Carl Jones was stalking her and without her knowledge he followed her to the concert.

He waited outside he knew where she parked because he followed her.

After the concert she went backstage to get the bands autographs. She met BVB and was very happy to see them. When she got to Ashley Purdy she really blushed and smiled.

Ashley noticed her blush and smiled back, "Hi! What's your name?"

"Star! Star Bright! I love BVB'S music and I think you're the greatest Bass guitarist ever." Star.

Ashley smiled giggled, "Did you say Star Bright?"

"Yes! Please don't make fun of my name. I couldn't take it not from you, Ashley." Star.

"Star Bright! As in Star Bright and friends?" Ashley smiling.

Star smiled, "Yes but unlike her I'm not that colorful. I prefer black. Thank you for not making fun of my name."

"I take it your mother was a fan of Star Bright. And your welcome Star." Ashley.

"Yes she was and still is. And her last name is Bright so it was perfect in naming me. Only she didn't think I would get made fun of but that's in the past." Star.

"Glad to hear that." Ashley.
Then he smiled and giggled the others heard what was going on.

When Star reached for the autograph her sleevemoved up and Ashley spotted the bruises. Amy saw him looking at it and quickly pulled it down and said bye.

"Did you see that? Did you see the bruises on her wrist?" Ashley to the guys.

"Ashley I'm sure she probably did that to herself." Jake.

"No! it was shaped like a hand." Ashley. Then he got up since the last person Ashley was going to find her.

"Ashley where are you going?" Andy.

"That girl that was just here Ashley saw a bruise on her arm he claims it looked like a hand. He's going to find the girl." Jake.

Andy shook his head then helped pick things up.

Ashley finally found the girl right before she walked out of the building. "Hey Star Bright right?"

Star turned and saw Ashley standing, "Please let me see your arm?" Ashley.
Star showed her other arm Ashley spoke, "No that one let me see it?"

"See what Ashley?" Star.

"You know what. I know you saw me seeing your arm. Please show it to me?" Ashley.

Star took a deep breath then pulled her arm sleeve up and Ashley gently held her arm and saw the bruises. He could actually see where the bruises was shaped like a hand the place where fingers were. "Who did this to you?"

Star looked down, "My ex-boyfriend. I broke it off with him."

"Your ex-boyfriend did this to you. He needs a reality check no man should hit a woman. The coward." Ashley.

Star smiled at what Ashley just said.

"Well I'm glad to hear you broke it off with him. So would you like to come to the tour bus and visit everyone?" Ashley.

Star smiled, "Oh thank you but I really have to go."

"Alright but at least let me walk you to your car." Ashley.

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