Chapter 11

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Two days have gone by and Ashley was still in a coma. The news was on as everyone was there visiting him.
The news annoucer, "As everyone knows that Black Veil Brides the band tour bus was hit by a semi-truck. The members of the band Jake Pitts, Jeremy Feraguson and Christian Coma weren't severely injured. The lead singer and creator of the band Andy Biersack has a broken arm and fractured ribs. The bass guitarist Ashley Purdy was found to have a severe head injury. They did surgery on him and it is said that he was put in a Medically induced coma. Ashley Purdy's condition is still pending but they are not allowing any news out. Their manager Bob Yager spoke to the news....

Then they saw Bob on tv.

"We are well aware of Black Veil Brides. fans worrying about Ashley's condition, but due to his condition his family is not allowing any news to be let out. Ashley is alive and holding on Andy's injuries as everyone knows is not severe as well is Jake, Jinxx and CC. I do have a message from the Purdy family and the band. They would like to thank all the fans for their well wishes and the love you all have shown over the years and they are sure that Ashley would be very appreciated for your support. Thank you that's all."

Mia just sat there holding Ashley's hand.

There was hundreds of flowers and cards sent to the BVB fan club Bob brought some by after getting them.

Mia kept Ashley's Nan and Pop informed about Ashley's condition and she spoke with the children about their father.

Bob spoke with the guys outside, "Guys I know you don't want hear this especially you Andy but...."

"Then don't say it Bob." Andy while the others looked on.

"Andy someone has to say it. What will happen with Black Veil Brides if Ashley doesn't make it? You have to pick another Bass guitarist you know this. You can't delay the tour like this, your fans." Bob.

Andy grabbed him and pushed him into the wall with tears in his eyes.

"Andy put him down." Jake.

"Don't you ever talk about Ashley like that again. He's not gone he'll make it. He has too." Andy tears running down his face.

Juliet heard the noise and went outside she tried pulling Andy off.

Then Jinxx told her what Bob said.

"Bob! The fans would understand. Ashley can't be replaced that easily he's Andy's best friend. Andy let him go." Juliet.

Andy let go then Jinxx spoke, "Juliet is right the fans will wait."

"Yeah look at this." CC pulling his phone out and showed all the posts about BVB (POSTS: Poor Ashley he'll pull through... Ashley we'll wait for you... BVB won't be the same without Purdy... ASHLEY PURDY WE LOVE YOU! GET WELL SOON!!!) There was thousands of posts just like those.

Mia was alone with Ashley when the monitors started beeping. She wasn't sure what was going on.

Andy saw the nurses run into the room and he and the others went back into the room.

"What's is it? What's going on?" Mia.

The nurses pushed her out of the way then laid him flat. One nurse spoke, "Get Dr. Ham ASTAT. Mr. Purdy is in distress."

"What do you mean? What do you mean? TELL ME!!!" Mia grabbing one of the nurses.

"His brain is swelling again the pressure has built up in his brain. We'll have to take him back into surgery or he'll die. Now please Mrs. Purdy let me see to your husband." the nurse.

They quickly brought another bed in and moved him to it and took him into surgery where Dr. Ham had arrived and was waiting.

Ashley was in surgery for two hours then Dr. Ham came to see Mia, "Mrs. Purdy your husband's surgery wasn't without problems. I believe he may have some brain damage from what I saw. Ashley may not be the same person you knew, if he does come out of the coma. I am so sorry." Dr. Ham.

Mia told the others everything they were all upset and did what they could for them.


It's been three months and Ashley was still in a coma.

Mia did bring the kids by to see him.

The guys came over to see him alot.

One day Mia was there alone when Ashley squeezed her hand then opened his eyes.

The doctor and nurses came in to see to him.

He was awake for three hours before the guys were able to get there. Ashley never said a word since he's been awake. He just sat there looking around.

"Is he alright?" Andy.

"Well Dr. Ham did some tests Ashley can eat and drink, but he hasn't spoken a word yet." Mia.

Ashley was in the hospital for two more days before being released. He didn't say a word.

Bob found this out, "Andy I'm glad Ashley's awake but I heard he spoken a word in four days. If he can't speak that means he can't sing. Can he even play a guitar?"

"I don't know and don't care. I'm not going to abandon him. None of us are." Andy.

"Yeah Andy is right." Jinxx, Jake and CC.

"Besides Mia said she'll do whatever it takes to get him back." Andy.

So Bob left it at that.

The fans found out that Ashley went home and sent their well wishes and still waited for BVB'S comeback.

Ashley was home for a month and didn't speak but Mia could see him thinking things. Then one day Ashley was in the din. He had his guitar and tried to play it, but was having trouble. He got upset but tried to play.

The twins came home from school. Abby went straight to her room but Ash heard the guitar and walked into the din. He saw his dad trying to play but wasn't getting the cords right. Ash walked over put his bookbag down then took his dad's hands and put them on the right cords saying, "No dad put them here like this, now play."

Mia walked in and saw Ash helping his dad.

Ashley played the guitar then smiled then Ash moved his hand some more. Then he said, "That's it dad now you do it, play dad. It's alright you can do it, play dad."

Ashley smiled then hugged Ash and whispered in his ear, "Thank you son."

Ash backed away then saw his mom, "Mom dad spoke. Dad spoke."

Mia gasped then ran over to him and hugged him yelling happily

A PURDY LOVEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora