Chapter 6

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Six years have passed the twins were now six and Black Veil Brides were bigger than ever people had learned that Ashley Purdy's family member did well and posts had finally died down when the fans were told that story back when Star was hit by that car.

One day while Ashley was away on an interview with Andy in Portland, OR.

The twins were with Elle and Jake they brought them back home to Star. They knocked but no answer. Jake knew where the hidder key was and went inside. They didn't see Star anywhere downstairs.

"Maybe she's upstairs laying down she did say she wasn't feeling well." Elle.

"Alright Elle you go check I'll stay here with the twins." Jake.

The kids went to the din and started to play.

Elle knocked on the bedroom door no answer so she walked in. She looked around then she saw Star laying on the floor she wasn't moving. Elle ran to her and shook her, she didn't move. "JAKE! JAKE!"

Jake heard Elle and ran upstairs. He quickly ran to Star and turned her over, she wasnt breathing he looked at Elle, "She's not breathing." Then Jake started doing CPR.

A couple of minutes later the twins walked in, "Uncle Jake what you doing to mommy?"

Elle turned saw the twins then Jake spoke, "Get them out of here take them downstairs and call 911."

Elle scooped them up and went downstairs.

"Aunt Elle is Uncle Jake playing with mommy?" Abby.

Elle couldn't answer she called 911.

Jake was stil doing CPR on Star everytime she started to breath she would stop. Jake was fighting a battle that seemed unbeatable.

Elle was holding the twins when the Paramedics arrived. She let them in they went straight upstairs.

When they walked in Jake was still doing CPR he knew he couldn't stop. If he stopped Star would die. Jake stood back and watched them work on her.

They shocked her heart four times before her heart was beating again. But she was still in critical condition they put her on the gurney.

Jake followed them downstairs.

Elle watched as they took her to the ambulance, "We'll take her to Mt. Zion. I think you should call her family." Paramedic.

"Elle the kids are coming with us. I have to call Ashley." Jake.

"Jake. Jake!" Elle.

Jake looked at her and shook his head then called Ashley.

Ashley's phone went straight to voicemail. Jake hung up, "Come on we're going to the hospital. Ashley must be on the plane it went straight to voicemail."

Then they left they got to the hospital then Jake called Ashley's phone again.

Ashley answered his phone but wasnt really answering he was talking to the driver telling him which bag was his, "Hey Jake....No not that bag."

"Ashley you need to head to the hospital Mt. Zion it's Star." Jake.

"Sure Jake....No I said that bag right there." Ashley.

"Ashley listen to me....ASHLEY!" yelled Jake.

"Hey what Jake?" Ashley.

"Ashley, Star's at Mt. Zion Hospital she wasn't breathing." Jake.

Ashley stopped eyes went wide, "Hurry up with the bags my wife was brought to the hospital she wasn't breathing."

Andy heard this and helped put the bags on then they drove to the hospital.

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