Tony x Reader: Arguments

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"Why can't you just realize that I'm busy!" Tony yelled at you, his glasses falling off of his face.

You were standing at the entrance of his lab, nearly in tears. All you wanted to do was ask him if he wanted anything and he just snapped.

"I am at a critical point in my project and I need to be left alone. So just go." He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. You quickly ran out of the lab, going straight to your room.

This had been going on for months now, you coming in to check on him and him going off on you. Sometimes it even started when he came to sleep with you in the middle of the night. Ever since he started on that project, he never gave you any love, not even a small kiss on the cheek. He almost never smiled, and the glow in his eyes wasn't there anymore. You always hoped every night before bed, that the next day he would be done.

~Time skip brought to you by Thor with a box of kittens~

It was about lunchtime the next day when he came out of the lab, commanding you to make him food. You tried to make something good, using only the few items in the cupboard.

"Here you go." You smiled, placing a grilled cheese sandwich in front of him. He stared at it for a couple of seconds with a straight face, not even touching it.

"What is this?" He asked, pointing at it.

"It's a grilled cheese sandwich, silly!" You chuckled as you washed the pile of dirty dishes in the sink.

"I deserve better, since I've been working on a project that could make us millions of dollars in the near future." He mumbled, poking at the sandwich.

"Well, sorry it isn't spicy quail with a side of mashed potatoes, princess. I don't get my paycheck until tommorow, so you're gonna have to make do with what we got." You sassed, facing the sink. You could hear him get out of his chair and walk towards you, making you tense up.

He grabbed your wrist, twirling you around, making you face him.

"Don't you dare sass me, Y/N. I was the one who brought you into my tower, and I can sure take you out of it."

That's it! I'm done!

You wrenched yourself away from him with fury in your eyes.

"How...dare you come in here and act like you're some kind of royalty and assume that I'm going to make you the most lavish meal you could ever imagine! I'm your girlfriend, not your slave. And also, some people around here have to work their asses off to get their pay around here, unlike you, who gets it just by looking pretty for the paparazzi!" You snarled, your teeth bared. You could see that he was trying to hold back from lashing out just by his fists by his sides.

"Another thing! You could at least come out of your little science hole once in a while and give me a kiss, or even pleasure me! But no! You are always stuck with your stupid project and don't give a fuck about me. So just shut the fuck up about your idiotic project making us, no, the company millions of dollars, because you know it won't." You finished, glaring at him.

Veins were popping out of his head as he swung at you, his eyes filled with anger. You fell to the ground from the blow, groaning.

Did he just.....punch me?

You felt your nose and pulled your hand away, your fingertips covered with blood. Tears rolled down your face as you rushed to your room, the physical and emotional pain destroying your heart.

You swiftly stuffed some clothes into your (f/c) suitcase, as Tony banged on your door.

"Y/N! Please open the door! I'm sorry!" He cried, as you sobbed even harder. You couldn't stay here a minute longer.

You pushed passed him as you speeded towards the elevator. As you descended closer and closer to the lobby, loud sobs racked through your entire body, and you dropped to the elevator floor.

Where am I supposed to go now?

~Time skip brought to you by Bruce trying to play the piano (and failing)~

You sniffle as you knock on the apartment door, looking down at your suitcase.

"Hello-Y/N, what's wrong?" There was Steve, his arm gripping onto the rim of the door as he stared at you with concerning eyes.

"Can I stay at your place for a while? I have some money to pay for rent." You asked and he nodded, letting you in. You walked inside and set your stuff down, sitting in an empty love seat.

"I'll go get us some tea and then you can tell me what happened, ok?" He smiled, patting your shoulder as he headed for the kitchen.

You wipe some of your tears away as he sets a coffee cup in front of you. His sweet smile calms you as he sits down in the seat in front of you.

"Now, what happened?" He asked, placing his hands in his lap.

"Well, it all started when Tony started on this huge project a couple months. Ever since then, he's been really distant. He always ignored me and only came out of his lab for food. A couple hours ago, after I made him lunch, we got into this big argument and he ended up punching me in the face out of anger." You pointed to your bloody nose."I got out of there as quickly as I could. I didn't know where to go so I came here, hoping that you would let me stay here until things settle down." You finished, grabbing a few tissues from the table.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. You are welcome to stay here, free of charge." He apologized, hugging you.

"Thank you, Steve. I'll make it up to you." You whispered, enjoying the hug
Hey guys!

Tbh I really like this one-shot.

Hope you guys like it too!



P.S. Part 2?

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