Chapter One

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I sat at my desk, tapping my pen as I anxiously watched the second hand tick by.

"5 more minutes," I thought to myself. 

I really wasn't ready to get back into the whole waking up at 6 every morning to learn things I could care less about. 

The first day wasn't even over yet and junior year was already a drag. I mean, half my teachers suck and I can already tell that the work load is gonna be intense. One may argue that the work load is my fault - I was always one to push myself when it came to school work. Mostly because it was how I was raised, but I partly do it for myself. I mean, it is the one thing I'm good at. 

The one good thing about this year was my science teacher - Mr. Hayes. He was only 23, and from America. Being Irish, American accents were my weakness. And don't even get me started on his eyes. 

I was snapped out of my wandering thoughts when the bell rang. I sighed with relief. One day down, 179 to go. I grabbed my books and headed towards the door, but I was stopped in my tracks at the sound of my teacher's beautiful accent. 

"Ms. O'Connor?" I turned on my heel, almost melting as my name rolled smoothly off his tongue. "Alison, right?"

"Ali, actually."

He nodded, his tall, lean figure leaning over his desk. "Principal Daly asked me to give this to you to sign and return to him tomorrow."

"Oh, okay. Thanks," I said sweetly as he handed me the envelope. 

He smiled at me, his blue eyes sparkling as I walked out of his classroom. Maybe having science my last period of the day wouldn't be so bad - it would give me something to look forward to every day.

I made my way down the hall, which was filled with clusters of people catching up with the friends they haven't seen all summer. After pushing through the crowd, I finally reached my locker. As I twisted the lock, I heard a familiar voice coming from the other end of the crowded hallway. 

"Hey Al, Ali!" 

I smirked to myself as I opened the door to my locker, placing my books inside. My best friend pushed his way down the hall, making his way over to me. His laziness was even evident in his nickname for me - two syllables were just too much for him, so I was Al. 

I was Al, he was Ni. Al and Ni, like it's always been.

"Hey big shot," I teased, tugging at his brand new football jersey as he leaned on the row of lockers next to mine. 

"Shut it," he said, smiling. I shut my locker, slinging my backpack over my shoulder as we began to walk towards the doors.

“So how does it feel to be a senior?” I asked as we strolled down the now emptying hallways.

“Weird. I feel… old,” he shrugged.

I giggled. “Well at least we have a class together this year!”

He laughed, the cheery noise echoing through the building. If he didn’t win best laugh this year I don’t know who will. “Yeah, cause you’re a smarty pants! Taking senior English as a junior,” he teased, shoving me a little.

I rolled my eyes and shoved him back. “Are we walking home or do you have your car?” I asked.

“Walking, if you don’t mind,” he grinned.

“Niall, why on Earth did your mom buy you a car if you refuse to drive it?”

“I like walking,” he replied as we pushed open the school doors and headed home. Niall and I lived next door to each other, about five blocks away from the school. “Are you coming for dinner tonight? Maura’s making your favorite.”

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