Chapter Twenty Two

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Niall's POV

I smirked to myself as I came down the stairs, overhearing a bit of Ali and Ella's conversation.

"When are you and Niall making it official?!" Ella squealed.

I bit my lip as I stepped into the living room, waiting for the perfect moment. As Ali opened her mouth to reply, I cut in.

"I was thinking right about now."

Ali jumped slightly before she turned around, her gaze locking with mine.

"Niall?" she said nervously. "How long were you standing there?"

I chuckled. "Not even a minute."

She sighed with relief, but her cheeks still managed to turn that adorable shade of red. It was the perfect hue somewhere between a deep pink and rich crimson, almost like an apple. A sweet, freshly picked apple.

"Don't fret, love."

She smiled at me, the blush of her cheeks deepening just a bit. The apple-y shade of red reminded me of the time my parents took us apple picking when we were kids. Ali was upset almost the entire time because she was too short to reach the apples on the trees.

"Which apple would you like, sweetie?" my mother asked her.

Meanwhile, Greg and I were doing our own thing, picking apples like we were pros. Since Ali couldn't join in, I did feel guilty running around to find the best trees with my brother. I wished she could enjoy the childhood thrill of picking an apple from a tree, but I wasn't about to ruin my fun by feeling bad for her. There was always next year.

"That one!" she squealed, pointing to the shiniest, reddest apple of the bunch. The pick of the litter, the cream of the crop, the best apple in the orchard.

In my orchard, Ali was that apple.

"So, what d'ya say? We can go to that cute little 50's diner in town and split a milkshake like in the movies or something... a real date," I asked, patiently waiting for her response.

"Niall, I-"

"We don't have to make it public yet, or ever, because I know things at school will be rough at first and I know you just went through alot and-"

"Niall!" she giggled, interrupting my rant. "You didn't let me finish."

"Sorry," I mumbled, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks to match the now-fading blush of hers.

"What I was going to say before you so rudely interrupted me," she teased, "was yes, Niall."


"Of course," she smiled. "I wouldn't want it any other way."

It felt as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders as I made my way to her as quickly as my two feet would take me. She stood up from her seated position on the couch and I swear it was like a scene from the movies.

I looked down at her small, fragile frame as I gently cupped her face in my hands. I looked into her ever-changing hazel eyes, the faintest hint of blue appearing in the twisting shades of brown and green.

"I promise I won't let you down," I tried to say with confidence, but it came out no louder than a whisper. "I promise I'll keep you safe, no matter what happens."

She subtly nodded her head, her eyes never leaving mine. And within seconds, our lips were locked.

We kissed eachother with equal force, all the tension and mixed feelings from the past years being expressed without words: the best form of communication between lovers. Her lips were smooth against mine, like butter, warming me up as they melted into the kiss. In that moment, there was nothing else around us. Ella had vanished, the familiar furniture of my living room faded away, even the thoughts had disappeared from my brain. Everything, in that instant, was Ali.

She consumed my senses. The softness of her skin against my fingertips as I caressed her face. The faint sound of her rapid breathing as our lips danced in sync. The subtle scent of her perfume making its way into my nostrils as I breathed her in. And the sweet, sweet taste of her lips on mine.

My world was spinning as we kissed, a feeling I thought was only possible in Nicholas Sparks novels. She was the sun my planets revolved around, the epicenter of the earthquake that shook through my body, the single key that unlocked my heart.

And as we kissed, everything fell into place. Scattered pieces of the jumbled-up puzzle finally found their homes, connecting and completing the puzzle we've been trying to put together for years. As the last piece locked in, everything clicked. I felt a spark that started in my heart, igniting an electric fire that raced through my veins and landed on my lips. And she felt it too.

As I pulled away, breathless, she looked at me in a way I'd always dreamt of. Her sparkling smile was wide, but still shy as she chewed on her bottom lip nervously. Her cheeks were a pale shade of pink as she looked up at me with soft, wide eyes. She was smitten, and so was I.

"I love you," I said, softer than a whisper for only her to hear.

"I love you," she whispered back with the utmost confidence I had ever seen from her. It was as if she had just said the most important words that she would ever speak, and I swear my heart skipped two beats.

I was in love.

This twisted, blissful, unfamiliar feeling that has recently taken over my mind, body and soul now has a name.


The unconditional affection with no limits or constraints. Trusting her with my life and willing to do absolutely anything for her. Wanting nothing more than for her to be happy no matter what it takes, because her needs come before my own. She's the last thing on my mind before I go to sleep and the first when I wake up, a feeling that warms my heart leaving me overcome with serenity. The smile that automatically appears on my face at the simple thought of her. The uncontrollable pounding of my heart in my chest at the sight of her. It's strong, passionate, and intense... everything seems happier and brighter. And now that I've found it, I never want to let it go.

One word frees us from all the weight and pain in life.

And that word is love.


I am SO sorry it took me so long to update, I've been ridiculously busy and I've been struggling with writer's block :( And I'm sorry that this is like ridiculously short... but I felt like I just had to end it there! I'm gonna start chapter 23 tomorrow and it'll be normal-length I PROMISE!

If you're still reading this fanfic despite my less-frequent updates I love you to bits & I really appreciate it. Love you loads! Remember to keep voting:)

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