Chapter Sixteen

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I cupped my cheek as I fell back from the impact, squeezing my eyes shut at the throbbing pain that began to pulse through the entire side of my face. 

I was confused as to why I felt blood until I opened my eyes, noticing the light reflecting off of Brian's class ring. That'll do it.

I stood up to face him, slightly afraid as his taller frame hovered over me.

I wasn't going to let the fear keep me from fighting back. I wasn't going to walk out of here like a baby. I needed to prove to him that he's the weak one.

"I am done with you," I sneered through clenched teeth. "There is no way you can scare me into staying with you like every other poor girl you've treated the same shitty way you treated me. I've dealt with stuff like this before, and I know how you think. You can't fool me Brian Cassidy." Although anger was still obvious in his green eyes, a look of shock graced his face, and I had to hold in a laugh. "You're actually worse than I expected, to be honest. I tried my best to avoid you but for some reason, I let you in. And that's something I rarely ever do. But, you used your charm, you worked your magic, you had me *convinced* that you would treat me different than the other girls. You lied through your teeth, you had me wrapped around your finger like a pathetic little toy. But I'm not gonna let you win, because I'm walking out before you even have the chance to give a bullshit explanation or try to make me stay. I don't want to be around a piece of shit like you and I don't plan on seeing you ever again." I hissed, turning on my heel and grabbing my things.


"Goodbye, asshole."

As I slammed the door behind me, the tears began to fall. I was proud of myself for holding it in before, but I had to let it out before I threw up. The fear of him following me quickly crept up on me as I walked down his driveway, and I began to run. 

I quickly dialed Niall's number, praying that he would pick up.


"Please tell me you're home," I said, not letting him finish.

"Yeah I'm-"

"Good, I'm coming over," I panted as I continued to sprint towards his house.

"Ali where are-"

"I'll see you in a few"


I hung up the phone, sprinting to the safe haven that is Niall. 


Niall's POV

I opened up my door the second I heard her footsteps on my front porch.

"Ali," I breathed out as I took in her disheveled appearance. Tear stains ran down her cheeks and there was a cut right beneath her left eye, as well as a bruise beginning to form. "My god, what happened?" I asked, pulling her into my embrace. 

"Just say it," she sobbed into my chest as I rubbed small circles on her back.

"Say what?"

"I told you so."

I let go of her and pulled back so we were forearms distance apart. Confused, I searched her eyes for answers. I found none.

"What you've tried to tell me all along, Niall." she choked, looking down at the floor as more tears began to fall.

"Brian?" I said softly, no louder than a whisper, the realization of it all disabling my ability to speak. 

She nodded, the pain evident in her eyes. In that instant, I felt my heart shatter for her. 

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