Chapter Twenty Five

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As I opened up the front door, my eyes landed on a couple ferociously making out on my living room couch. What the actual hell was going on?

"Dad?" I gasped; shocked, confused and disgusted.

He jumped a little after I startled him before getting off of the woman and wiping her slobber off his face. He turned around and made a face of disgust when he saw me.

"Oh, you still live here," he grumbled.

"Did you get even dumber on your trip to god knows where?" I asked, if my expression hadn't said it all.

"Nice to see you too, Alison," he hissed, getting up off the couch and straightening out his clothes.

"Jaaaaames you didn't tell me you had kiiiiids," the woman said, trailing her fingers along my father's chests. Gag.

The fifty-year-old prositute had bleach blonde hair and wore enough makeup to supply a small country.

"The girl is mine, she's 14?" he said questioningly.

"16, actually," I barked back.

He rolled his eyes.

"Following in her mother's footsteps I see, bringing boys home when she thinks no one is around. Filthy little slut," he spat.

"Dad!" I shrieked. "What are you even talking about! Mom stayed faithful to you despite the fact that you treated both of us like shit and you know it!"

He threw his head back and laughed, his shirt riding up to expose his beer belly.

"My strict demeanor hasn't taught you a thing, though," he chuckled, looking over at the nameless woman. "My daughter grew up a whore!"

"There's nothing wrong with that," his whore purred. I could throw up. "Come on Jamesy... we'll get a motel for the night hmmm?"

He grinned and nodded before they fixed their clothes, grabbed their things, and maneuvered around Niall and me to exit the front door.

Of course he couldn't leave without harming me in some way, though, so he hobbled back up the front steps. He then grabbed my face with his grimy fingers and slapped my left cheek. It was sure to leave a mark.

"Merry Christmas you waste of space," he said with glee.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, fighting the urge to kick my father in the balls and rip out his hair. I knew that wouldn't go over very well since Niall would try to pry me off of him and would most likely end up unconcious thanks to my mess of a father.

"Hey buddy," my father said, gaining Niall's attention. "I suggest you wear a condom tonight, wouldn't want a child with my daughter's DNA roaming the planet and ruining your life just like Alison ruined mine," he cackled, playfully punching Niall's arm.

He laughed his way down the front steps, linked arms with his prostitute before he helped her into the car and drove away.

Niall and I stood there in shock, our mouths hung agape.

"I have no words," I choked, the silent tears streaming down my face.

"Baby, please don't cry," he begged, wiping away the never-ending tears with his thumbs.

I shook my head, unable to stop them from falling.

"Don't listen to a word he said, he's full of shit! You're not a slut or a whore and you are most definitely not a waste of space. If anyone's a waste of space it's him!"

"I know that, Ni. Thank you. But that's not what makes me upset, it's the fact that I'm related to that piece of shit, and he's the only family I've got."

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